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Christina Frost ([info]whosperfectnow) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-17 19:57:00

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Entry tags:inactive - chris frost, inactive - justin rhodes, plot-"one drink makes you powerless"

Ties that Strain (Bruce Gotham)
The mood was always, well, frosty when Tina spent more than a moment in her mother's company.  It wasn't for lack of engagement on Emma's part and even Tina acknowledged that the woman did try to make conversation and participate.  Tina, however, had little patience for Emma and even less in the way of trust so when Tina started asking Emma about Bruce Gotham and got shut down pretty quickly Tina had no qualms about just walking away from lunch early.  Justin would tell her to try to work things out at least on a civil level, but Tina just couldn't.  Some part of her inside threw a temper tantrum at the very idea.  As far as she was concerned, Emma was never to be allowed even an inch in the way of courtesy.

Still a bit on edge from the disappointment that was trying to get information out of her mother Tina made a call to Namor with hope that he would give her a bit of information.  The man was happy to hear from her, glad to talk to her, but like Emma before him didn't give her any information--though Tina could tell from the way his voice changed that the wing-ankled man wanted to do harm to Bruce Gotham in ways that even she couldn't fully imagine.  Rather than trigger an incident she thanked Namor for his time, promised to check in on Kassi, and hung up the phone. 

Still no closer to any answers she made her way to the coffee shop where she had, weeks before, promised to meet Bruce Gotham for coffee.  At the time she'd looked forward to it; now she was just uncomfortable.  She was a mutant and he knew it, yet he worked for (and seemed to be friends with) someone who was very publicly anti-mutant.  Something didn't make sense.  It troubled her and continued to trouble her even as she walked into the Starbucks, ordered herself a venti misto, and found a seat to wait in.

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2011-08-24 12:36 am UTC (link)
"Honey, you haven't met him. I'm a little irked with him right now, but he is still my dad. He wants to have lunch Friday. I'm worried this is going to be awkward."

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2011-08-24 01:10 am UTC (link)
"If he's telling you that your powers are a disability, then I don't like him, Tina. He should accept you the way you are.

Do you really want to have lunch with him?" he asks.

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2011-08-24 01:13 am UTC (link)
"Right now? No. But he's my dad. I want to know him better."

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2011-08-24 02:32 am UTC (link)
"I guess I understand that." he says.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asks.

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2011-08-24 10:18 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just needed to hear your voice and be reminded that some people love me for who I am."

"How are you? What's going on in your life?"

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2011-08-24 10:16 pm UTC (link)
"I love you for who you are very much." Justin says.

"Things are good here, but it's hot as hell with all of the humidity. I feel like I'm swimming most of the time." he tells her.

"Work is good, too. Looking at a few new future contracts to figure out what we're doing." he says.

"How are things with your...friends?" Justin asks, referring to her team.

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2011-08-25 10:31 am UTC (link)
Tina sighs.

"Joey's missing. Rose isn't taking it very well. Justin, I've been trying everything I can to find him and turning up nothing. I even wormed my way into some pretty secure computers and there's not a trace anywhere."

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2011-08-27 02:06 am UTC (link)
"Baby, if /you/ can't find him...have you considered that maybe your friend doesn't /want/ to be found?" Justin asks.

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2011-08-27 02:10 am UTC (link)
"Either that or someone doesn't want him to be found. Which is possible, given my...job."

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2011-08-28 03:25 am UTC (link)
"It's very hard to make a person to disappear, Tina. Someone somewhere saw something." Justin says.

"Lots of airports keep security tapes."

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2011-09-03 12:38 am UTC (link)
"Oh honey, technology can be manipulated if you have the right person doing it." There may have been a little smile in her voice. "I just want to get things sorted out for Rose's sake. I know if I were in her shoes I would be losing my mind."

"I love you, you know."

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2011-09-05 01:04 am UTC (link)
"I love you, too, and I'm sorry for what she's going through. If you need some help, let me know." Justin says.

"And if you need to talk about your father after the lunch date, call me. I don't care what time it is." he says.

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2011-09-05 05:24 pm UTC (link)
"I appreciate it, baby. I should let you get back to work. I'll try to connect with you tonight." He'd know what she meant by that. "Love you."

Tina hung up after that and took a deep breath. She was dreading the lunch.

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