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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-19 22:19:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, david roberts, fred mccoy, iason, lady devil, misha loganovich, plot-"heir to the throne", rachel summers, rocket red panda, starbridge, team - guardians of the galaxy, team - x-men, tsunami

Big Damn Heroes
Abel dropped them out of a space warp as close to Earth as possible. The ship shook as it entered the upper atmosphere and the hull started to heat up and started to glow red. Azura helped Alex pilot the ship through the turbulence. She hoped the rust bucket held together.

Once they were past the initial barrier and slowed down a bit, they set a course straight for Xavier's. They ignored hails from local enforcement agencies and continued on their way. Their passenger, the Shi'ar, had been antsy during the whole trip and seemed a little relieved once they arrived. It didn't last long and he fretted until they arrived over Xavier's.

Their timing was perfect. They arrived just in time to see the Imperial Guard standing off with the X-Men and Prince Starbridge. Azura shoved their Shi'ar guest into her seat and ordered him to take over. She grabbed her gun and Godslayer and raced for the hatch.

Alex gave the flying of the ship to their guest and raced after Azura. Once they were low enough the Guardians of the Galaxy exited the ship to help Prince Starbridge and the X-Men.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-27 10:20 pm UTC (link)
Her shield held as Rachel poured all the mental energy she could into reinforcing it, the sound of the blow slamming into psychic energy echoing through the grounds.

Rachel herself fell to her knees, a small trickle of blood flowing from her nose.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-27 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Gladiator saw the blood coming from her nose and knew that he could break through her shield. He kept hitting it with everything that he had.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-27 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Rachel's head was pounding worse than the pounding on her shield.

She waited for just before Gladiator's punch to connect... and then just let it drop. Momentum would do the rest.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-27 11:24 pm UTC (link)
The shield dropped and Gladiator suddenly went forward and stumbled a few steps.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-28 12:20 am UTC (link)
Her only chance. Rachel put everything she had into one telepathic blast while his guard was down.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-28 12:49 am UTC (link)
Kallark had some defenses against telepathic attacks. There was a counter-force against Rachel's attack, but they weren't strong enough to fully hold. Some of the attack got through and Gladiator paused and went down to one knee under the assault.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-28 01:46 am UTC (link)
Rachel struggled to get back to her feet, slipping once.

"C'mon..." she urged herself. "Get up..."

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-28 02:03 am UTC (link)
Gladiator shook his head and started to climb to his feet. One psychic blow was not going to stop him. He was a member of the Imperial Guard and would not go down so easily.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-29 12:46 am UTC (link)
Rachel tried putting what she could into another psi-bolt, but her tank was running dry.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-29 04:30 am UTC (link)
Gladiator got to his feet and charged at Rachel. His arm pulled back to deliver a punch.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-29 05:23 pm UTC (link)
With no chance to fight, Rachel settled for flight, using a tk grip to launch herself straight up.

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Re: Gladiator
2011-11-29 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Kallark didn't care that the Summers girl fled. His job was to apprehend the Prince. He started after Starbridge.

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