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Orlen Strange ([info]strangeson) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-09 19:29:00

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Entry tags:griffen o'niell, mac rider, orlen strange

"Ok now THIS really beats the dark dimension. Big place" Walking into the mansion the legendary mansion of the Avengers. It looked easy to get lost but hey that's only HALF the fun! He kept shuffling a pack of card in one hand with his bags in another. He was hoping to see more action at some point today. Maybe even make some new friends.

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2012-03-23 08:14 pm UTC (link)
He walked in waving at everyone at the inventor. "So...You guys are the latest incarnation of the Avengers?" He smiled with excitement. He heard the mans name. "Griffen? Hi there. Names Orlen strange."

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