Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

May 25th, 2013

Welcome to the WCA (open) @ 11:02 pm


Mike waited a few days after receiving the invitation before showing up at the address on the car. He sat out front on his bike and stared at the building for awhile. It was quite the building, he'd give them that.

It was time to bite the bullet. He climbed off his bike and climbed the steps to the front door. He pressed the buzzer.

February 24th, 2013

Avengers Assemble...for a meeting @ 06:47 pm


Jarvis and his staff made sure the conference room was ready for a meeting. A table with pastries, cookies, and some healthy snacks had been prepared along with one that held various drinks. It wasn't frequent where the Avengers assembled for meetings that had been planned.

February 3rd, 2013

The Battle of Olympus @ 11:50 am


The trail eventually led the Avengers, Future Foundation and the Defenders to the other dimensional realm that served as the home of the Greek gods. They traveled to a few realms that were home to other gods only to find them destroyed and in ruins. Olympus wasn't in ruins, but it was under attack. Battle raged all around and the skies thundered and were lit up by lightning bolts.

July 24th, 2012

(no subject) @ 04:23 am


Who: Orlen Strange and martin others as well OTA.
What: messing his place up
Where: new york.
Rating: pg
Status: Incomplete.
I just put the damn carpet. )

April 20th, 2012

Hartley, Texas @ 09:55 pm


The small town of Hartley, Texas was not much more than a wide spot in the road that was situated about an hour northwest of Amarillo. The town was small and the surrounding area consisted of mostly ranches and farms and nothing special ever happened in Hartely.

Until a meteorite burned across the west Texas night sky and landed just outside the town on property belonging to one Martin Reynolds. Martin promptly hauled the meteor into town in his pickup. The townspeople all gathered around to see the hunk of space debris that had crashed to Earth.

The strange space rock was put in the center of town and over the next few days it was the center of the talk of the town and the focus of their attention.

March 29th, 2012

Reunion (Orlen) @ 10:46 pm


Martin sits on one of the chairs in the Sanctum Sanctorum waiting for Orlen to arrive. It's been a while since he's seen the other sorcerer, not quite a year but that was more than too long. And he'd heard Orlen had joined the Avengers recently but they hadn't had the chance to go meet up again.

Martin thinks it'll be a bit of a shock for him. After all, the last time Orlen had seen him was when Martin had actually looked his age, 12. But even though he was 13 now, magical adventure mishaps had left him looking more like 16. He figured it'd be fun to see Orlen's reaction to it. Then they could have their troublemaking magical fun like always. Best part was that Dr. Strange was out of the dimension.

That meant more fun.

March 9th, 2012

(no subject) @ 07:29 pm


"Ok now THIS really beats the dark dimension. Big place" Walking into the mansion the legendary mansion of the Avengers. It looked easy to get lost but hey that's only HALF the fun! He kept shuffling a pack of card in one hand with his bags in another. He was hoping to see more action at some point today. Maybe even make some new friends.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay