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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-29 22:46:00

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Entry tags:martin baum, orlen strange

Reunion (Orlen)
Martin sits on one of the chairs in the Sanctum Sanctorum waiting for Orlen to arrive. It's been a while since he's seen the other sorcerer, not quite a year but that was more than too long. And he'd heard Orlen had joined the Avengers recently but they hadn't had the chance to go meet up again.

Martin thinks it'll be a bit of a shock for him. After all, the last time Orlen had seen him was when Martin had actually looked his age, 12. But even though he was 13 now, magical adventure mishaps had left him looking more like 16. He figured it'd be fun to see Orlen's reaction to it. Then they could have their troublemaking magical fun like always. Best part was that Dr. Strange was out of the dimension.

That meant more fun.

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2012-03-31 03:54 pm UTC (link)
He pretty much bounds up towards the older mage and beams. When he'd first come to the Sanctum he'd been miserable. His powers manifesting and thinking he'd spend his life unable to do anything because of his hands, but Orlen had been around and there for him. He'd been the brother he'd never had before and Martin looked up to him. Especially since he was still learning and Orlen always seemed to have some new and cool spell to show him.

"I joined a superhero team and..." He brings himself up to full height, significantly taller than any boy who wasn't yet 14 should be. "Notice anything different?"

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2012-03-31 04:39 pm UTC (link)
He looked up and didn't notice it before. "Bro...aren't you like to young to be this tall? your damn near up to my chin!" He sighed as he looked him over and smirked tapping him on the shoulder "Well...looks like You and me are going to be having some fun tonight. Your making me feel old!"

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2012-03-31 04:44 pm UTC (link)
"I got tall! Well...Dr. Strange and I had this adventure you see and the dimension ages your body way faster than your brain so I look older now. I like being tall," he grins. "Yes! We will! Sorry I didn't get to see you before. I heard you're on the Avengers now. How's that?" As cool as the Avengers were, he still liked his team best.

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2012-04-04 06:10 am UTC (link)
"Hey I kinda like it, The mansion was HUGE" He smirked at him tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey dude we need to get the heck out of here. I got some new spell that makes you look alot older than you really are. There is a new casino on the peir in jersey. Wanna go?"

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2012-04-04 11:50 am UTC (link)
"Cool! We have a firehouse that's pretty big."

Martin positively beams at the invitation. "Yes! Hold on." He scrambles to go retrieve his hat from the table. "Ready! Magic fun time it is!" Because that's really what they went to casinos for, screwing with the house by magically winning at slots and cards.

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2012-04-05 06:08 am UTC (link)
He snapped his fingers and blew on his hands letting the image change making him look older. "There we go. No need for an I.D. here take a look." He smirked conjuring a mirror and showing it to him. "How do you like, Want me to make you older?" he asked and smirked.

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2012-04-05 09:18 am UTC (link)
"Do it!" He didn't have the fine control of power needed for illusions, and he couldn't do most spells like this. It was a good thing Orlen could. "Are we going to teleport inside after?"

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2012-04-09 11:07 am UTC (link)
"Little brother." he snapped his fingers and they where there in the blink of an eye. Literally the sounds of the cash machines, cards shuffled the laughing of many people walking past them. "Well brother welcome to ceasars palace casino!" He opened up with his hands out. "What you feel like doing? black jack?" he asked as he started walking.

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2012-04-09 01:29 pm UTC (link)
He glances at his reflection in the glass and admires Orlen's illusion work. Nobody was likely to question his age like this. "Okay blackjack then. We'll have fun messing with them." First he idly strolls over to a slot machine and pulls the lever. Carefully watching as the pictures and numbers fly by, he uses some telekinesis to have each one stop where he wants. The first slot, then the next one matches, then finally the last one...damn. He was off by one! Oh well, couldn't win on his first try, they'd get suspicious too quickly. This was god practice anyway.

"You go first I want to watch then try."

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2012-04-14 12:41 pm UTC (link)
He let a smile go one as he moved to the black jack table. He put a large bet in then after the first round nearly triples his fund. "Gee must be my lucky day. He looked over at his little brother tapping the chair. "cmon Bro!" He smiled grabbing a drink from a tray and sipping.

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2012-04-14 05:27 pm UTC (link)
He shoots Orlen a grin and sits in the spot next to him. As the bets are placed and the dealer deals the cards and his own hand with the second card face down, Martin concentrates very hard. Telepathy was never his strong point, he was only okay at sending messages in people's heads, not reading them. Well, at least this was one of those dealers that checked his face down card. When he tries he can hear bits and pieces of everyone's thoughts, none clear, and tries to pick out the dealer's in all the chaos. He glances at Orlen now.

His other card is a...4 I think?

As far as he was concerned, casinos were solely for using magic to mess with them and have fun. And the vegas magic shows were sure to be ridiculous.

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