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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-04-20 21:55:00

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Entry tags:buck rogers, frances barton, jack murdock, kalypso, mac rider, orlen strange, plot-"objects from space", team - avengers, toni rhodes

Hartley, Texas
The small town of Hartley, Texas was not much more than a wide spot in the road that was situated about an hour northwest of Amarillo. The town was small and the surrounding area consisted of mostly ranches and farms and nothing special ever happened in Hartely.

Until a meteorite burned across the west Texas night sky and landed just outside the town on property belonging to one Martin Reynolds. Martin promptly hauled the meteor into town in his pickup. The townspeople all gathered around to see the hunk of space debris that had crashed to Earth.

The strange space rock was put in the center of town and over the next few days it was the center of the talk of the town and the focus of their attention.

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2012-05-30 02:31 pm UTC (link)
The flash went off and Hadelinde's armor system was overwhelmed for a moment. A few seconds ticked by as her systems readjusted.

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2012-05-30 02:43 pm UTC (link)
Buck is planning for the adjustment, not expecting he has more than a few seconds. While she's staggering, he tosses a concussive grenade behind her - trying to at least do a little damage, but more importantly, get her thinking she's being attacked from behind, instead of where he's hiding. Only chance he has in this is stealth and trickery. She'll destroy him out in the open.

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2012-05-30 03:58 pm UTC (link)
Hadelinde was thrown forward from the concussive blast and into the side of a house. She scrambled to her feet and spun around to see who had attacked her.

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2012-05-30 04:03 pm UTC (link)
The concussives are one of the heavier items in his arsenal, her suit was meant to take on Anya with full Stark tech. But her distraction does give him something to work with. He tosses out a couple more smoke grenades, rolling them to make sure she doesn't pinpoint where they came from, trying to keep her guessing where her enemy is.

While she's turning, he's hiding, trying to find any evidence of where the suit's internal air supply is. He knows there's a sealed system option - he's just trying to figure out where any of the vents are.

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2012-05-30 07:31 pm UTC (link)
Hadelinde couldn't see anything with her normal optics through the smoke, so she switched to infrared hoping to pick up the heat signature of the person who had thrown the grenades.

She fired a burst of shots in the area around her. Her teammates weren't close and she didn't care about the townspeople. As she turned Buck would be able to see small vents for air exchange on the back of her torso.

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2012-05-30 07:44 pm UTC (link)
He's not sure if she's going by IR, UV or motion detection - or just guessing. But a couple of the shots graze him, and he's definitely worried about that spray-fire. Anything closer, and he'd be in very serious trouble.

He guesses on the IR or UV, and fires off his flare gun towards her optics. Its not going to damage her suit in the least, but its definitely hot enough that it should mess up her vision pretty good if he guessed right.

He lunges away from his position, dropping the flare gun and trying to get behind her amidst the smoke and, he hopes, temporary blindness.

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2012-05-31 12:17 pm UTC (link)
Hadelinde wasn't expecting the flare so when it went off she was blinded. Instinctively she put her hands up to her eyes though it did no good since she wore a helmet and the light was on the inside.

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2012-05-31 12:24 pm UTC (link)
Precisely what he was looking for. Sets him up to not only bring a knife to a gunfight - but bring a knife to a fight with a living superweapon. He draws his titanium alloy survival knife and lunges - not trying to do any damage. That would be... well, impossible. Instead, he goes for the precision attack, trying to wedge the knife into the joint just enough to pry the filtration vent cover away just a little.

He's going to pay for this in a second, but as usual, he has a plan.

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2012-05-31 01:45 pm UTC (link)
The vent cover came loose under Buck's efforts. Hadelinde couldn't see, but she knew someone was at her back. She spun around and tried to hit her attacker.

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2012-05-31 01:51 pm UTC (link)
He rolls with the punch that otherwise would have taken his head off. Despite that, he still goes flying, quickly rolling away from where he hits without thinking about it, to be out of where she'd hear the impact. He figures even blind, blasts are going to be coming any second now.

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2012-05-31 02:37 pm UTC (link)
The sensors are coming back to normal and Hadelinde's vision was returning to normal. She felt the punch connected and assumed her attacker had gone flying back.

While her vision was coming back she unleashed a series of blasts in a sweeping pattern.

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2012-05-31 02:51 pm UTC (link)
Damn. Damn, damn, damn, damn... and damn, that one was close!

Buck keeps rolling, eventually getting to his feet, only to end up diving as one of the blasts leaves a back scorch mark along one shoulder. His limited armor doesn't begin to compete with something that rivals Stark-tech. Worse, he knows that, in order to carry out the plan, he needs to do something stupider - close to melee again.

Grabbing a trash can lid from the edge of the alleyway, he uses the shield-training he has done to fling it at her head. It won't hurt, but he's trusting if she's going on sensors, she'll shoot it down.
Then he dives and rolls, trying to come under her guard and get close enough for a diving shoulder tackle - which he doesn't expect to do much, but at least it gets him where he needs to be.

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2012-05-31 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Hadelinde picked up the lid coming at her and did indeed blast at it. It did distract her enough that when the hit came she wasn't expecting it. She stumbled back, but managed to regain her feet before she went down.

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2012-05-31 04:48 pm UTC (link)
He's about to pay for this, and badly.

He readies himself to roll with the hit he knows is coming, while shoving a grenade into the open vent.

Yeah, she's probably about to pound him - but in about seven seconds, she should start noticing the pepper spray released into her air system. Normally, its one of those low-level threat deterrents - but he's pretty sure even a Nazi master criminal is going to end up having to either retreat, or get that helmet off rather than breathe the stuff.

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2012-05-31 05:11 pm UTC (link)
She did take a swing at him at the first possible moment. Then the grenade went off inside of her armor. The pepper spray started filling her armor and she started to cough. She launched herself up in the air and tore the helmet off.

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2012-05-31 05:24 pm UTC (link)
He doesn't have anywhere to go, and the powered punch knocks the air from his lungs. He rolls with it as best he can, probably saving him from at least a broken rib if not a lot worse - but it still hurts.

While she's coughing, he drags himself under cover, trying to disappear again long enough to recover, giving her a chance to retreat, or call one, If she doesn't, now that there's a vulnerability, he's already going for his next weapon.

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2012-05-31 05:53 pm UTC (link)
Hadelinde rose a little higher into the air to do a quick survey of the scene. Enforcer was sitting on the ground doing nothing. Others were engaged with Avengers and Titanium Titan was flying off away from the scene.

She radioed him and he reported back that he had the hunk of space rock.

It was time to get out of here.

"Retreat," she said to her team.

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