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Orlen Strange ([info]strangeson) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-07-24 04:23:00

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Entry tags:frances barton, martin baum, orlen strange

Who: Orlen Strange and martin others as well OTA.
What: messing his place up
Where: new york.
Rating: pg
Status: Incomplete.

He was getting ready after closing his magic shop and heading home. Avengers stuff was quit and slow so he headed back home hot coffee in hand. That was until he felt a shimmer on magical plain. Something dark and dreadful. "Oh not here...NOT HERE!" He side as he placed the cup on the counter. "its so damn hard to get a place in the village!"He charged up a ward prepping himself for another attack not sure what was going. "Damn it all to hell!" He was scratched on the arm. "Yea this is going to be fun!"

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2012-08-07 03:22 am UTC (link)
"Yep! I'm Martin. And you're..." He stops to piece together things Orlen had said to her to try and come up with her name. "Fran Barton?"

"Hey! The Thunderbolts are cool, A-Iron Girl says we're the A team," he insists, careful to remember about secret IDs. There was no need to point out that being the A team meant the Avengers were at best the B team. But the hat comment gets Orlen a very clear You're just jealous I have an awesome hat look. Not everyone had such cool hats.

Martin surveys the snarling demons and puts his hat back on while he tries to recall why they look familiar. "Oh! They're kinda like those demons we fought last time we went dimension hopping. Remember? And you set the leader's head on fire? ...Maybe they're mad about that? Although that's stupid because his head was fine once he put the fire out."

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2012-08-09 08:59 am UTC (link)
"great so we have interdimensional demons with a grudge!" He sighed as he put the chant to teleport the demons a place a tad more secure. "Hey any of you guys know if shield has a storage facility for this?" He sighed looking over at frances. "Your the shield agent!"

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2012-08-09 11:32 am UTC (link)
She shrugs at Martin's guess. "Frances, but close enough," she corrects. She listens to their mystical Bill and Ted-like adventure with the demon and lifts her eyebrows. And she gets in trouble for her antics?

She balks at the assumption and gestures at herself. "Yeah, a shoot-at-things kind of SHIELD agent. Do I look archival?" Snorting, she eyes the demons to figure out what to do with them. "Can't you just wave them into the Sun? Or Mount Doom? I guess we can see what the Doc had set up before for this."

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2012-08-09 05:31 pm UTC (link)
"Just fry them or send them back to their dimension. That's what I always do. Why SHIELD? I thought they didn't like power types." He squirms uncomfortably a bit at this talk of SHIELD. He'd heard that they dealt with people who's powers weren't...quite under control. But he knows that Orlen's friend won't do anything to him. If Orlen trusted her then Martin did. And besides, she seemed fun.

Which brought up an idea. "Wait, how good are you at the shooting thing? Do you like guns a lot?" Maybe he could get her to teach him what was so cool about guns. His teammates seemed to love them, and he really wanted to understand them. But he still stood by the fact that magic was way better.

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2012-08-14 10:27 am UTC (link)
He had no idea what his little brother was doing talking about Frances and shooting when there was demons in his house. He sometimes forgot how Niavie his brother could be. "Hey bro how about we focus on the task at hand?" He chanted a spell to send them off to another dimension one they wouldn't tare apart." With a bright light it was done. "Ok here we go." the barrier fell leaving evidence. "So we up for an adventure tonight?"

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