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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-21 16:54:00

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Entry tags:armadillo jr., bea dayspring, crosshairs, guardian, martin baum, team - thunderbolts

There's only one magic guy on this team!
In the middle of the Thunderbolt's kitchen, a familiar swirl of blue flame comes out of nowhere and the young mage pops in. He'd come on a very important mission.

Ice cream sandwiches.

A species so rare in this freezer that it was almost extinct. Every single time they'd get more boxes of the stuff, it'd disappear almost immediately. Even the ones he'd specifically labelled with his name on it!

Now to find out if there were any left. The freezer door swings open on its own. There were boxes yesterday surely....


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2012-09-08 02:16 am UTC (link)
Kelly gets the message. There's a sound in the background like firecrackers - probably either the shooting range or her room.

"Be right there." she calls back.

It doesn't take long before she's there, with a few singes and bloodstains - but there.

"So what's up?"

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2012-09-08 02:19 am UTC (link)
Bea shuts the door, not commenting on the singes and bloodstains. "I need a little favor, with just a couple stipulations. Given Jack here, and stipulated that there was to be no sexual harassment or major property damage, how would you try to make him 'loosen up,' preferably if this somehow make you more fashionable?"

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2012-09-08 02:26 am UTC (link)
Its usually best not to comment.

"See, you need to be more technical. Because, really, does a set of adamantium handcuffs and a team of transvestites count as harassment?

And, you know, loosen up in what sense? Because at least some suggestions could violate one or both of your stipulations.

Now, if the end-point is making me more fashionable, I do know a leatherworker who asks /very/ few questions. But he's not in my color."

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2012-09-08 02:33 am UTC (link)
To most people, that could get passed off as ludicrous examples of hyperbole.

Most people are not Jack.

And most people do not know Kelly.

Jack is obviously, intensely, afraid. However, his mask still fades, showing his face again. "...if.. I mean... once she's done... can I still stay? I have to apologize to Martin."

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2012-09-08 02:37 am UTC (link)
"... Jack, my point is, Kelly's perspective is that these are reasonable things to do when loosening someone up and looking cool. Is it your perspective that these are reasonable things to do?"

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2012-09-08 02:44 am UTC (link)
Jack gives her a blank stare.

"...I thought that was just my punishment for what happened, and that I can stay here if I agree to it?"

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2012-09-08 02:47 am UTC (link)
Kelly blinks. "If I make a tacky poncho out of you? Of course you can stay. I have plenty of room in my closet. I still don't think you're my color though."

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2012-09-08 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Kelly, he is not your color and would make a terrible poncho. Jack, the point I'm trying to making is that for whatever reason, what you did to Martin came across to him like Kelly's trying to make a poncho out of you would come across to you. And no, we're not working on a strictly quid pro quo basis here, I'm just trying to illustrate..."

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2012-09-08 03:33 pm UTC (link)
The thought runs through Jack's head that red and blue are wonderful primary colors and look good on anyone. He manages to sense this is Not The Time to argue about such things.

"I... think I understand. I just really thought I needed to have it... Can I go apologize to Martin?"

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2012-09-08 07:59 pm UTC (link)
"Don't worry, Jack. I totally understand the moments of poor impulse control. For example, I frequently really feel like I need to explode people who make my sister disappointed... I try to remember she asked me not to, but its tempting anyway. Explosions are cool that way. You better go though. Its kind of adorable how you care about other people's feelings."

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2012-09-10 01:37 am UTC (link)
Bea sighed, although she actually couldn't help smiling at Kelly, for reasons of Kelly. "You can go, Jack, but you'll be helping me fix all the clocks in the building."

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2012-09-10 08:28 am UTC (link)
Jack nodded solemnly and then stood up. He looked at Bea for a long moment, before hugging her. "Thank you for not making me leave... Should I apologize now, or give him some time?"

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2012-09-10 11:17 pm UTC (link)
"Give him a little time."

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