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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-01 19:35:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, awesome andrea, plot-"eve of destruction", team - fantastic four, valeria richards, vincent vernard

So You Tell Me You Don't Believe We're on the Eve of Destruction
Night settled over New York and the Baxter Building at Four Freedoms Plaza was quiet.

Or so it seemed.

In the lab of Reed Richards all was not quiet and something BIG was about to happen.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-01 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Andrea's arms split open and reconfigured themselves into cannons. Carefully working with her force field, she opened fire.

She tried to tap into the team's comm system. "We are under attack! The Negative Zone barrier has been compromised!"

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-02 09:11 pm UTC (link)
Bugs were obliterated from the blasts of the canons. Tough exoskeletons exploded and guts went flying in all directions.

Though some were obliterated, more kept coming.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-02 09:32 pm UTC (link)
A path on the floor lit up behind Andrea, as she checked with the security cameras. They were on the lowest flower the bugs had access to.

"Please follow the path to the elevators," she instructed, firing again. "I will hold them off. The HERBs will guide you."

A pair of HERBIE-style robots dropped from the ceiling, guiding the tour group along.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 02:19 pm UTC (link)
The next blast took out more bugs, but even more rushed in to take their places. They swarmed toward Andrea and the tourists.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 09:06 pm UTC (link)
Andrea reinforced her force field, hopefully giving the others time to flee.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 09:29 pm UTC (link)
The bugs charged toward Andrea and ran into her force field. The bugs behind the first ones didn't stop and smooched against the force field.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 09:45 pm UTC (link)
With the tourists relatively safe, Andrea disengaged her force field.

She activated her advanced weapons protocols and opened fire.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 10:10 pm UTC (link)
The bugs were blown away, but more kept coming. They were in a frenzy and wanted to destroy everything in their path

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 10:30 pm UTC (link)
Andrea continued firing, barrels blazing.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-03 11:19 pm UTC (link)
The bugs kept coming. They didn't care of they walked over and crushed each other. They just wanted to get to their targets.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-04 10:30 pm UTC (link)
Andrea kept firing, as more weapons pods opened up on her body, adding to the firepower.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-04 10:41 pm UTC (link)
The bugs kept coming. More and more with each passing moment. It wouldn't be long before the level was overrun.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-04 11:46 pm UTC (link)
Had the tour group gotten away? Yes. They'd made it to their elevators, which her link with the building told her was making its away down rapidly.

She was being overwhelmed. She knew this. And though it was not logical, since she maintained back-up copies of her personality and new bodies could always be constructed, Andrea was afraid for her continued existence.

She kept firing.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-05 12:05 am UTC (link)
Bugs went down or were splattered, but more and more kept coming.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-05 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Andrea directed her firepower on the ceiling, hoping to bring some of it down on the bugs, and buy herself time to run.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-05 10:40 pm UTC (link)
The ceiling fell down on the bugs and squished quite a few. There was a brief moment when none came, but after a few moments they started advancing again.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-05 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Andrea was secure in the knowledge that the tourists were safe. The floors below the Fantastic Four's space were heavily protected. It would take more than these bugs had to penetrate it.

She engaged her anti-gravity boosters, blasting up through the ceiling. She needed space.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-06 12:34 pm UTC (link)
The bugs flooded the floor and a few started to climb up the hole Andrea had just created.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-06 07:46 pm UTC (link)
Andrea had tried this tactic for one very specific reason. This room was where she kept her back-up bodies. After several different battles where she had been destroyed or nearly destroyed, having back-ups on hand had become much more important.

If necessary, she could even split her processing power between two of them, operating in the field and at home.

Here, directly near them, she could run all dozen of them at the same time. Not indefinitely--eventually, it would degrade her personality matrix--but long enough to deal with the bugs.

Twenty-four additional eyes lit up. Twenty-four additional arms raised up and transformed into weapons configurations. The bugs were fired on even as they came up the hole.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-06 07:56 pm UTC (link)
The bugs of course had now idea what they were in for. They climbed out of the hole and into the room and were immediately blown to pieces. Still, it did not stop them.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-06 09:50 pm UTC (link)
She had more than enough firepower now. The Andreas kept up the firing as they came out.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-07 05:18 pm UTC (link)
The bugs kept coming and kept getting blown away. The fact that they were getting blown away didn't stop the others from coming.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-07 08:57 pm UTC (link)
Andrea directed seven of the spare bodies to stay and continue with the extermination. Five more, she directed to come with her.

She needed to find the others.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-08 07:32 pm UTC (link)
Valeria, having escaped from the bugs she'd been fighting, ran in the direction of Andrea.

"Andrea!" She called when she saw her.

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Re: More bugs!
2012-10-08 09:04 pm UTC (link)
Andreas. Plural. She was controlling an additional five bodies right now, plus the seven still behind exterminating the other bugs. She would eventually have to stop, before her programming degraded from trying to process too many different data tracks at once, but she could keep it up for a great while yet.

"Valeria!" she called out. "We must get to the Negative Zone chamber!"

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