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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-01 19:35:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, awesome andrea, plot-"eve of destruction", team - fantastic four, valeria richards, vincent vernard

So You Tell Me You Don't Believe We're on the Eve of Destruction
Night settled over New York and the Baxter Building at Four Freedoms Plaza was quiet.

Or so it seemed.

In the lab of Reed Richards all was not quiet and something BIG was about to happen.

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-21 02:23 am UTC (link)
Now able to properly link the Baxter Building, Andrea activated the Negative Zone portal.

"Force them toward it!"

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-21 02:44 am UTC (link)
Now that Reed's gravity effect is no longer a problem, Aleron is free to get a little more creative. He focuses on a point just in front of the portal and pours most of his power into it. Soon, everything in a radius will start to get dragged towards the portal due to the gravity field he's created. Of course, he makes sure to have a gravity effect on any teammates close to it that'll counter the pull on them.

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-25 09:05 am UTC (link)
He heard andrea's instruction and finding a point to toss them in. The ping of his hammer hitting one into the portal then grabbing another one and throwing it in using his strength and power to push and hit as many in as he could.

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-26 02:17 am UTC (link)
"No! This will not happen! Annihilus will consume ALL!! The Richards-mammal promised it would comply!" Annihilus leaps forward at Vincent, holding up a bug soldier in each hand as shields against the lightning.

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-26 02:19 am UTC (link)
"Get over yourself. Trust me, it makes life easier."

Vincent's voice comes from another side of the lab, as Annihilus' leap ends up with it falling through a close-range portal and then exiting right in front of the Negative Zone portal. Vincent drops the invisibility spell and dismisses the portals. "Now would be a good time to wrap things up!"

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-26 02:38 am UTC (link)
When the last of the creatures and Annihilus had passed through, Andrea activated the portal seals.

"...Remind me again why we have a portal to a dimension of unspeakable evil in our house?"

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-26 03:18 am UTC (link)
Bugs and Annihilus gone, Aleron is free to stop his gravity center trick and breathe easy again. "I do not know, I wondered as much myself," he admits.

Of course there was still the awkward matter of: "What happened to Dr. Richards?"

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Re: The Lab
2012-11-27 10:19 am UTC (link)
The portal closed and Gron simply slouched on the floor next to the rubble. "That was...How you Terrans say? Fun?" He sighed taking off his helmet. "Dr.Richards I assume was not the one native to this dimension I assume?" He spoke out.

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