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nextgen_adult ([info]nextgen_adult) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-02 09:02:00

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Current location:Seattle
Entry tags:bram harker, gregory price, joanna ketch, plot-"eve of destruction", rita dermont, tyler morbius

Sleepless with Fear in Seattle
Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, hovered over Seattle in his astral projection form. Earlier, he'd seeded the city with very special Darkhold invitations, directed to those who would be easiest to turn to his will. There would be no exchange of innermost desire for a soul-destroying payment. Those who accepted would be his to twist and he intended to twist every drop of humanity from them to use in his spells to open the doorways for demons to enter the world.

The first screams were sweet. The next were savored.

Monsters were alive and devouring Seattle.

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2012-10-16 09:35 pm UTC (link)
Greg growled an attacked with a renewed frenzy. Teeth and claws sank into demon flesh.

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2012-10-18 01:10 am UTC (link)
Jo continues playing, fingers pounding the keys as she sings louder and louder. Insects tear into demonic flesh, even as they mutate, convulse, and die moments later, corpses piling at the creature and Greg's feet.

"This city is ours... to claim and guard... if any of you remains to return to the pit, spread the word, stripling." She cackles.

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2012-10-19 03:51 am UTC (link)
Between the music that was irritating it, Greg's continued attacks, and the pain, the shadow demon was having a hard time getting enough concentration to go intangible.

In a desperate attempt, it tries throwing the werewolf that was digging into it straight at the piano player.

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2012-10-19 05:30 pm UTC (link)
Greg felt the demon grab him in an attempt to throw him so he grabbed onto the demon, claws sinking in. Then his teeth went for the demon's throat to rip it out.

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2012-10-20 12:25 am UTC (link)
The music's tempo increases, and so does the destruction of the demon.

"It's very sad when a thing doesn't know when to just die already."

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2012-10-20 04:38 am UTC (link)
It's quite useless to throw Greg with him so latched on, and the shadow demon realizes this. So it goes for the last ditch attempt.

The werewolf fully latched on, the demon doesn't even try to throw him off, instead with a final roar it flaps its powerful wings and goes for a suicide bomb dive aiming at the piano player. Rabid werewolf attached and all.

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2012-10-20 11:29 am UTC (link)
Greg's mouth clamped down on the demon's throat and he tried to tear it out.

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2012-10-21 06:52 pm UTC (link)
Jo abruptly stands and extends a skeletal arm. She crooks her fingers and lets the demon's own rush drive its eyes upon her talon-like fingers.

"So very sad..."

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2012-10-21 07:20 pm UTC (link)
The demon crashes into Jo and the three of them go flying into a heap.

When the dust settles all that remains is the demon's body, eyes impaled and throat ripped out, lying there. Slowly its lifeless body disappears bit by bit where it goes back to join the shadows. Permanently this time.

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2012-10-21 07:46 pm UTC (link)
Greg snarled and then lifted his head and howled. He knew this wasn't over. There had to be someone behind summoning this demon and with that thought he went out into the street.

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2012-10-22 01:43 am UTC (link)
Jo surveyed the damage to her bow again, hissing in displeasure. "Yes, pet. There is hunting to be done." She packs her favored instrument back into it's case and flits out the door after him. Just a little time to rest is all she needs, yes. Her physically stronger form, before taking human flesh once again. It will serve her well.

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