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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-10 23:30:00

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Entry tags:kalypso, ryan spector

Cleaning the Streets (Open)
Freerunning across the rooftops Ryan was rather enjoying himself as he went on his patrol through New York City. He was doing some tricks and playing around as he moved across the rooftops. He was still of course paying attention for anything wrong or out of the blue.

It really cleared his head to be able to do this especially after dealing with things down in Miami and was just plain enjoyable for him even if he didn’t get to beat up some bad guys.

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2012-10-30 09:28 pm UTC (link)
Kal grinned broadly. "That's the important part. Shall we?"

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2012-10-30 09:55 pm UTC (link)
"Definitely," He says grinning.

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