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Sam Fury ([info]sammyfury) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-11-17 19:14:00

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Entry tags:sammy fury, tim dugan

(Let freedom ring!) A bid for independence...
Armed with a notepad and PDA, a list of properties, and a Hulk-sized travel mug of hot coffee, Sammy used her elbow to knock on Tim's door. Today was the day and he /promised/ he would go with her to check out apartments. She was going to hold him to it, unless he really had work to do, or an important experiment on the cooker, or if he really didn't want to go. Her back up, Power, was currently in the middle of his psych eval, and Alice was off again. Tim would be the better choice. He had an eye for details that her parents would take seriously, and he was fun to hang out with.

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2012-11-25 08:38 pm UTC (link)
"You know, there's always the chance that you'll get your brain together long enough to realize you could be making some real money out there in the private sector," Sammy teased. "If SHIELD wasn't in your blood already..."

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2012-11-25 08:40 pm UTC (link)
"You mean like the six figures a year I was making in the private sector before Gramps convinced me to join SHIELD?" he said with a grin.

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2012-11-25 08:48 pm UTC (link)
"You could be making more by now. How did Dum Dum convince you to join, anyway? Dad never said."

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2012-11-25 08:50 pm UTC (link)
"You mean the great Sammy Fury doesn't know something about me?" Tim grinned even wider. "Then I'm not telling."

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2012-11-25 09:29 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, I didn't pillage the files to find out. I'm just curious. You had a life out there, but you took a huge pay cut."

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2012-11-25 09:43 pm UTC (link)
Tim shrugged. "I did take a huge pay cut, but I don't have time to spend what I do make." Of course he wasn't going to say that one of the big reasons he made the jump to SHIELD was to be near her.

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2012-11-25 10:51 pm UTC (link)
"Well, at least you had a chance to find a life out there. I know I'm not suited for anything else. I never wanted to do anything else. Except get a little privacy now."

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2012-11-25 10:55 pm UTC (link)
"No," he said. "You just haven't tried anything else, so you don't know what you're suited for. From the moment I met you all you wanted to do was be a SHIELD agent. You haven't looked at or tried anything else."

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2012-11-25 11:53 pm UTC (link)
She grinned. "We were in onesies, but I'll admit mine had the SHIELD logo on them. I could have been an Avenger."

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2012-11-26 12:25 am UTC (link)
"Yes, and you could have been a police officer, a doctor or anything else you wanted to be. You just have your sights on that chair."

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2012-11-26 12:42 am UTC (link)
"It's not like I didn't look around. Mom insisted, but those career day choices just weren't for me. I couldn't see myself doing those jobs and getting the same satisfaction. SHIELD makes a difference. It takes a commitment that doesn't leave a lot of room for anything else."

She spotted a recognizable sign across the street and headed in that direction. Hunger needed food.

"Besides, can you see me as a local cop rookie? At my age I'd still be in the police academy and in SHIELD I'm already a seasoned agent. I get offers from the alphabet agencies, but they're too mired down in paperwork and rules."

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2012-11-26 12:45 am UTC (link)
"You're just finding reasons," he said and would let the issue drop. "I don't recognize this place. Have we been here before?"

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2012-11-26 02:22 am UTC (link)
"Nope, never been here before, but the sign sounds appropriate," she pointed at the THAI sign, "and I'm hungry!"

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2012-11-26 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"Okay!" he said and pulled her into the restaurant. "Order anything you want. It's on me."

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2012-11-27 07:08 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, I said it was on me!" She was dragged into inside and had to wait a minute for her eyes to adjust to the lower light. She offered a smile to the hostess. "Two please. Me and my friend here."

She waited until they'd been seated and had their menus and water before speaking again. "Any of this apartment hunting giving you the idea of having your own place? You can't take girls back to the helicarrier. Unless they're already on the helicarrier."

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2012-11-27 07:16 pm UTC (link)
"Not really. I don't have a girl to bring back to an apartment so that reason would be off the table."

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2012-11-27 07:49 pm UTC (link)
She sighed. Okay, he didn't have a secret girlfriend. She had to find him one.

"All right, subject dropped. But if you ever want to get away from it all, you're welcome at my place. Wherever my place ends up."

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2012-11-27 07:57 pm UTC (link)
"Are you sure? I don't want to interfere with your plans and whatever guy you bring home."

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2012-11-28 07:43 am UTC (link)
"I have a scary dad for that. Besides, guys will come and go. In Alice's case, they come and go a /lot/. But family will always be family."

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2012-11-28 03:50 pm UTC (link)
Later when he looked back he would see this was the moment when he realized that he would never be anything more than family. Tim sucked up the hurt caused by those words and forced a smile. "I'll always call before I come over. I don't want to walk in on something I shouldn't."

The waitress came and gave Tim a much needed respite. He ordered a Thai Iced tea along with chicken Pad Thai.

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2012-11-29 07:02 am UTC (link)
Sammy had no idea what was running through Tim's mind. She wasn't a mind reader and she could be remarkably unobservant when it came to those closest to her. She only knew that something was bothering Tim and if she asked he would probably stonewall her again.

She asked the waitress for the same order and sat back to relax. "When's your next rock climbing trip?"

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2012-11-29 09:59 pm UTC (link)
"Soon," he said. "Probably in the next few days. They've been on my case about having too much leave time accrued. I'll lose a lot of it if I don't take it."

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