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Etoile Gabrielle LeBeau ([info]aceofhearts) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-28 23:30:00

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Entry tags:etoile lebeau, nicholas salem

Luxury Resort Time!
Etoile planned a trip with a few friends to luxury resort to Bora Bora. Suddenly her friends backed out due to personal reasons. Etoile wasn't going to let this stop her from going on a much needed vacation. She packed up what is needed for her trip and took a very long plane ride and soon a boat ride to get to the main island. This island would have one of the best luxury resorts.

She suffered from a bit of jet lag, immediately she after getting set up in her little hut. She slept a good day, a very much needed rest. Etoile freshened up, slipping into one of her many bikini's, pulling on a pair of short-shorts and a tank top. Today would be the day for her to get her munch and sunshine on.

This place is pure heaven right now. She is glade she came here, even if she is alone.

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2013-02-20 03:09 pm UTC (link)
Finally making it to shore. She crawls into the beach, falling back on the sand. Running away from a boy is certainly hard. Especially when one such as Nick.

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2013-02-20 10:28 pm UTC (link)
He settles down next to her, working on catching his breath.

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2013-02-22 01:37 pm UTC (link)
She looks over to him, reaching over to smooth back some of his hair. Etoile moves her hand back, resting it down on her stomach.

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2013-02-22 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Nick rolls up on his side, resting his topmost hand on top of hers.

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2013-02-25 12:59 pm UTC (link)
"Glad you came here. My time here would have been boring, you make my vacation all the more better." She says with a smile.

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2013-02-25 07:50 pm UTC (link)
"Wasn't exactly the intent, but I'd say its working out nicely for both of us."

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2013-02-28 01:11 pm UTC (link)
"I know...but let me believe it was." Etoile pinches his side. Bubble popper he was."Yes, it certainly is." Etoile slowly sits up watching the sun set. She then glances over to him, smiling at him.

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2013-03-02 01:49 am UTC (link)
That gets a grin. "If it results in that pretty of a smile, I'm happy to let you believe anything you want."

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2013-03-04 01:40 pm UTC (link)
Etoile nudges him playfully."Come on playboy. Let's go get some ice cream and relax in the room." Etoile says, standing up and extends her hand out to him to help pull him up.

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2013-03-04 11:20 pm UTC (link)
He accepts her hand, and gets pulled back up to his feet, turning back towards the room once he's up. "I'm all for that idea."

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2013-03-07 03:05 pm UTC (link)
"Good!" She says. Etoile takes a hold of his hand, as they both move towards the ice cream shop to get some ice cream."Anything else you want to do today?" Etoile asks Nick.

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