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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-28 22:49:00

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Entry tags:derek woo, dolemeck, plot - "the nights tale"

The Attack on the Lourve
Derek Woo, the Khan to be of the Atlas Foundation, was in France visiting one of the facilities owned by the characters. He wasn't too happy about this, but this is something that he needed to know how to do: this was the day to day running of the Foundation, to look at the business of monetary concerns and material concerns, and learning the details of what made the Foundation worked together liked a single bit of gears in the larger whole.

All in all, this was boring but necessary.

But at least Dolemeck was there to be supportive. And now that the big boring part was over, he had free time to inspect stuff. And talk with people, at least as best he could. So now he could be able to just take it easy.

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2013-05-02 03:36 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck had managed to get himself back to the facility... sort of in one piece. He actually had lost his boxer shorts from the sudden shadow port and was... well... running around the facility completely nude, looking for SOMETHING to wear so they could get the hell out of France and into New York before his parents showed up.

"Do we not have any spare clothes my size in this facility!?"

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2013-05-02 03:37 am UTC (link)
Que Derek, with a pair of slacks that look to be about Dolemecks size. Also, here are some Very Obviously Averted Eyes.

"Dole! Pants! Catch!" There's a throw in Dolemecks general direction.

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2013-05-02 03:41 am UTC (link)
Quickly, Dolemeck caught the pants and put them on, frowning a little as he had to adjust himself some. he always hated to go without shorts... but they could not help it. He turned back to his cousin and gave him a somewhat serious look.

"We have to go back to New York, NOW. And not because I need my boxer shorts, shoes, and the rest of my clothes. We have to get that sword, and we have to prevent my parents from seeing me like THIS!"

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2013-05-02 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Hey hey! Calm down! We'll get it taken care of! And I'm certain that your Mom and Dad are not gonna go and shanghai you back to San Francisco!"

There is a very definiteive "and that's how it is" tone to Dereks voice.

"We just need to make it back to New York before our sword thief makes it there."

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2013-05-02 04:00 am UTC (link)
"Then we have no time to waste." Dolemeck's eyes narrowed as he looked at his cousin. "We have to leave, now. I will deal with my parents when and if they show up. And unless you are very convincing, they WILL take me back. You have no clue how over-protective they can be."

While Dolemeck did love his parents, he did not wish to return and feel trapped in San Francisco. He understood their fears, but he desperately wanted to see as much of the world as possible and do some good. To prove he was... good.

"Come on, Derek. We have to leave, NOW."

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2013-05-02 04:06 am UTC (link)
"Okay, okay! Next stop, the Met!"

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