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shieldbratgirl ([info]shieldbratgirl) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-06-15 23:53:00

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Entry tags:nikki coulson, sammy fury

Rainy days and Sundays always get you down...
Nikki was up on the deck of the helicarrier, cup of coffee in hand with a pensive expression. She had had a cloud over her ever since her brother had left. They fought like...well...siblings, and she was constantly giving him a hard time but...he was her brother. Even if he was off in burocracy heaven...she missed her brother deeply, not that she'd ever admit it.

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2013-06-16 10:02 pm UTC (link)
Blink. So that's how it came about. "Josh is a big boy. I don't think he could be talked into doing something he really didn't want to do."

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2013-06-16 10:17 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah...but he didn't need a push in that direction...he's just....such a nice guy. And a great friend. He deserves to be happy and he's not. I can't even talk to him now."

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2013-06-16 10:21 pm UTC (link)
"Did he tell you not to be around while he's working through it?"

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2013-06-16 10:24 pm UTC (link)
"I've been using a mirror to duck around corners since I heard it all blew up. Keeping a low profile isn't my forte." Nikki really enjoyed making a loud bang. A lot.

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2013-06-16 10:30 pm UTC (link)
"So stop sneaking around and talk to him. Then your pity party will be down one issue and you can focus on Steve and how you'll make him suffer when you see him next."

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2013-06-16 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"If I wasn't such a wuss, that's exactly what I'd do."

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2013-06-16 10:38 pm UTC (link)
Sammy sighed. "Okay, I get it. You want to really enjoy the pity party." She sipped her cooling coffee. "You and Steve are lucky to have each other. I'm envious that you have such a good relationship with your brother, so make him as miserable as possible for leaving the SHIELD home world."

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2013-06-17 12:17 am UTC (link)
"Thanks, Sammy. I'll be okay..What are you up to, what's going on? Anything you need help with?" Eventually, if it ever stopped feeling like she was missing her right arm.

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2013-06-17 12:26 am UTC (link)
"I'm on call. There's an embassy dust up going on somewhere unpleasant and if hostages are involved, the colonel wants a clean rescue before the shooting starts. Just waiting for my orders and my ride."

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2013-06-17 06:03 pm UTC (link)
"Then this may not be the best time, but I've been wanting to speak with you..." she straightened up a little at that, putting her personal issues on hold for a moment, "I've been wanting to talk to you about my role here. I feel like I'm ready for more responsibility."

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2013-06-17 06:14 pm UTC (link)
Sammy could certainly put in a word higher up the food chain for Nikki, although she knew Nikki had the bones to make it herself. Then again, the other woman might be feeling a little vulnerable right now. Sammy understood that feeling.

"You're a good agent and you have the qualifications to do a lot. What exactly are you looking to do next? Head your own team? Different types of assignments? More paperwork? Not the director's chair, because then I'd have to push you off the edge." She smiled so Nikki would know the last was a joke. Mostly.

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2013-06-17 06:30 pm UTC (link)
She returned Sammy's smile. "I know I'll never have the director's chair...but I'm ready for a command position, maybe my own team....maybe, someday, I'll make a good second in command.'' Hey, you couldnt fault her ambition..

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2013-06-18 04:06 pm UTC (link)
"It's entirely possible," Sammy agreed. "You're smart, capable, and you think fast on your feet. If you're serious about it, review your file and make an appointment with the deputy director. See where you might be weak, and nail down your strengths."

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2013-06-21 09:08 pm UTC (link)
She nodded a little, "If you think I should...I'll put an appointment on the books."

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2013-06-23 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"I definitely think you should."

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