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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-02 23:08:00

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Current location:Used Book Store, Manhattan, NYC
Current mood: chipper
Entry tags:dolemeck, nikki coulson

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Dolemeck returned from New Orleans after taking the time to finally explore his own sexuality. The woman he had met in the city decided it was best if the two just parted ways, as he lived too far away for her. It broke Dolemeck's heart, as that was the first person he was truly intimate with. But Argo told him there would always be other women and to keep his head up.

Once back in New York City, he was once again in that empty apartment. His boss at the used bookstore called, offering his job back, so he decided to take it to give him something to do. And that is what he was doing now.

Dressed in a white dress shirt, an apron with the book store's logo upon it, some black slacks, and some dress shoes, Dolemeck work at the counter of the store. He smiled and helped anyone who needed it. he even figured out how to work the register, now. Even how paper money worked. if only his cousin could see him now. He would be proud.

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2013-07-03 11:10 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, I mean Yes. Yes, I am asking you out, Nikki." Dolemeck's nervous smile remained on his face as he stood up straight while scanning the final book. "And your total for these books shall be almost three hundred dollars. As I said... this fool who left you had some very, very rare books."

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2013-07-03 11:13 pm UTC (link)
"300 bucks?? Score. How about this, I find myself recently flush with cash, why don't I treat us to Starbucks and you can tell me a little bit more about how you got to be here." And she could take a few minutes to check SHIELD files to see if he was flagged.

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2013-07-03 11:22 pm UTC (link)
In his era, he was always told a proper gentlemen would pay for anything a lady wanted during courtship. But this new era was so different. Women had more abilities and freedoms, and were more... happy? If only Leigh could see what he was seeing, now.

"I would be more than honored, Nikki. I will share with you whatever you wish to know about me." He lifted her hand up and placed a kiss upon the back of it. "I will tell you nothing but truth... and I should be out of here within ten minutes."

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2013-07-03 11:25 pm UTC (link)
A guy who vowed to tell *nothing* but the truth? What a trip! "I'll just....go wait at Starbucks." She still didn't know what to think of him...but she was intrigued. He seemed harmless, and if he wasn't...He wouldn't be the first creep she'd had coffee with.

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2013-07-03 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Once Nikki left with her money, Dolemeck could not help but feel giddy. She seemed so... nice. He closed up shop and made his way to Starbucks, showing up ten minutes later, on the dot. He wore a dress vest over the white dress shirt He believed in dressing well, and learned that from his Uncle Jimmy Woo.

Smiling, Dolemeck took a seat before Nikki, one leg crossed over the other, and his back straight in his chair.

"Good evening, Nikki. I hope I did not keep you long."

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2013-07-09 12:43 am UTC (link)
Nikki looked up a little guiltily from her phone, quickly setting it aside, "No, not long....I just ordered 2 of what I like, if you don't like it, they have tea...."

It was a tall white mocha with a double shot of chocolate. You could tell a lot about a man by how he liked his coffee - and only psychopaths didn't like chocolate. She'd find out more that way than the SHIELD files she'd been skimming through at least.

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2013-07-09 01:35 am UTC (link)
He smiled, taking a sip of the drink Nikki got him. It had chocolate in it... and for some reason it just made him smile more than normal.

"Thank you, Nikki. This tastes quite good. I do not get to have chocolate very often. And when I do, I tend to enjoy it immensely!" Dolemeck's unusual green eyes closed as he took a longer sip of his drink.

"So, where shall I begin?" He rubbed his smooth chin in deep thought before finding something to say. "I was born in what is now known as Baths, England. I was the youngest of three sons in the night family. My brother Dayton was the eldest, and Charles was the middle son. My mother's name was Carling, and my Father's name was Ackley. My mother passed away from a plague when I was eight years old, so I was left in the care of my Father. Eventually my brother Dayton, who was working in Arthur's castle as an executioner and torture master found me work as a squire for Sir Gawain."

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2013-07-10 06:51 pm UTC (link)
She had a shocked expression on her face. This was New York. People generally didn't volunteer their life story to total strangers. It was so...open.

"Arthur....*King* Arthur?" She thought for a moment...

"...Was the table really round?"

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2013-07-10 10:14 pm UTC (link)
"Believe it or not, it was." Dolemeck nodded his head as he sipped more of his drink. "It was quite the feat for that day and age. A perfectly round table that could sit more than twenty men. I, however... was a squire and not allowed to sit at the table. Eventually I moved up in rank to a Knight, but I still had to sit at one of the long tables."

His smile was somewhat somber a she played with the cup in his hands.

"I admired Lord Gawain, more than I should have. Something that had confused me greatly for years. I did have a friend I could speak to on the matter, Arthur's daughter, Princess Leigh. She confided in me she was unhappy with any of her suitors, and would be upset if I was executed for my unnatural attraction to my Sire. So... she put in good word with her Father of how noble and kind I was. With this information, Arthur was considering me to marry Leigh and become the next king. Only... well... Charles became jealous of such a notion. He plotted with Morgan La fey to have my reputation ruined and ensure her son would marry Leigh and gain the throne."

That smile soon faded, becoming a thin line of sorts. "I was framed for forcing myself upon a maiden. I vowed to be chaste until I wed Leigh, if she would have me... so this was a high insult. I professed my innocence, swore I was a chaste man and had never been with anyone, much less force myself upon another. But with my older brother speaking against me... I was not believed. I was sent to the torture chamber my brother ran for a week until my sentence could be figured out. I was also stripped of my armor and title as a "knight" publicly."

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2013-07-12 05:17 pm UTC (link)
His entire time he spoke, her coffee was midway to her lips and she finally set it down without taking a sip, "...You talk a lot." It wasn't a criticism, just...new. Nikki didn't have that much experience with a chatter box. Especially one that was so..open.

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2013-07-12 05:31 pm UTC (link)
"Well... you did ask me to tell you of my life, and I did promise to be most honest." Dolemeck smiled, bringing his cup back to his own lips and sipping it's contents once more.

"Long story short, I was sentenced to death by the King, but the Queen had me spared if I could find what it was women wanted in that day and age. My father disowned me during that journey, I met a hag who told me the answer, I told the Queen the answer, then the hag appeared and demanded my hand in Marriage. I was forced to marry the hag in a public ceremony and then live with her outside of the kingdom in a swamp. Turns out the hag was Morgan La fey in disguise. Getting me practically banished from the Kingdom ensured I would never marry Leigh or become King. Morgan wanted her son to become King to gain more power. She tried to consummate our marriage, I refused, she got mad and placed a curs eon me, turned me into a gender-less demon, and then sent me to Limbo... for a thousand years."

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2013-07-31 12:49 am UTC (link)
"So...." wow. That was a lot to process, and she had extensive experience processing odd, strange, and flat out bizarre information. "So..just...so I'm reading you right....You're a thousand year old androgynous demon from King Arthur's Court...? Believe it or not, that's not the strangest thing I've ever heard..."

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2013-07-31 12:57 am UTC (link)
"Aye, I am as you say. And if that is not the strangest thing you heard, you should meet my adopted parents. One is a self proclaimed Goddess of love, the other is a Uranian!" He chuckled, taking another long sip of his cup. "And just a side note, I am over a thousand years old, but do not look a day past twenty one."

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2013-07-31 01:08 am UTC (link)
"You figure out how to bottle that and you'll be a made man." Could a unisex demon qualify as a "man". "Listen...I work for an organization, we deal with...unusual situations that the public at large either doesn't need to or doesn't know how to deal with. If you run into trouble, or if you need help...." She slid her card across the table in his direction.

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2013-07-31 01:18 am UTC (link)
He reached out and took Nikki's card, reading it for a bit before putting it in his wallet. He then took out a card of his own and handed it to her. It listed his name, phone number, and had the Atlas Foundation logo on it.

"Well, if you ever need my help, here is a number you can reach me by. I am planning on taking a trip soon, so I may or may not come back to the New York area." There was a sad smile on his face. "This saddens me, as I would love to see more of you. You appear to be a nice person, as well as a fetching lady."

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