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Argo ([info]son_of_hercules) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-09-21 22:31:00

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Entry tags:argo, dolemeck, tyler morbius, vincent vernard

There were various things that could capture Argo's attention.  Beautiful women were one.  A good fight was another.  Good food was also on the list.  And good drinks always were.  So when a possible event occurred that promised to contain at least three things which promised to entertain him in some fashion, he knew he had to go. 

Argo was also not one to let an entertaining trip go without good company, and his "cousin" did need to get out more.  A teammate of Dolemeck's had insisted on coming along as well, and Argo was fine with that.  Argo had also decided that Vincent was far too uptight and also needed to come along to loosen up.

It had not been difficult to convince Irina to take them to Munich.

"Behold!" Argo declared to his companions.  "Oktoberfest!  Beer!  Bratwurst!  Beautiful tavern wenches!  And other fine things, possibly not starting with the letter B!"

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2013-10-02 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Tyler looked like he wanted to say something, but with a sigh, he nods. "Okay, Dolemeck."

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2013-10-06 05:07 pm UTC (link)
Vincent composes himself somewhat. "Perhaps, but that is my call to make, and in case you had not ascertained it already, I take issue with my consent being violated.

I do not doubt your good will, but just the same, I'm not going to simply let you bluster your way through an offense like that." He fixes him with a steady gaze. "I'm not going to run home, and I'm not going to make a scene in front of any of the other Champions, but you owe me."

He folds his arms across his chest decisively.

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2013-10-06 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"To be fair, when I asked, you may have made a noise that sounded something like yes...?" Argo tried, then shook his head.

"My apologies, Vincent. I did not expect you to take offense."

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2013-10-06 05:39 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck had taken Tyler away from Argo and Vincent's rather private conversation. He was really uncomfortable with such conversations, fearing the outcome of them.

"I am sorry, Tyler. I really am." Dolemeck was very apologetic. "I did not mean for this trip to go so badly. I thought it would be something fun and that would get you to smile, as I have not seen you do so, yet."

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2013-10-06 06:11 pm UTC (link)
That got a surprised expression from Tyler. "Really?"

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2013-10-06 06:42 pm UTC (link)
After a moment's consideration, Vincent nods. "I accept your apology. Now, before I imbibe any further, I need food. Where's the nearest schnitzel?" He looks around.

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2013-10-06 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Argo looked around. "Hmm... there must be some...! Ah!" He pointed. "Over there."

And there was something else over in that direction too. A woman.

"By Olympus...!"

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2013-10-06 10:07 pm UTC (link)
"Really. Since I have been living with you... since I have been in Seattle, I have not seen you smile once. I thought I was to blame or everything we've had to deal with was to blame." Dolemeck sighed as he confessed. "So I thought bringing you here to Germany would cheer you up and make you happy. You deserve such for putting up with everything I have put you through."

Soon, his eyes wonder over and see the same woman Argo is looking at. His eyes go wide and he's almost frozen in place.

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2013-10-06 10:37 pm UTC (link)
"I..I didn't realize that," Tyler admitted sheepishly. "It's not you, I just..got a lot on my mind I guess."

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2013-10-06 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Vincent's gaze follows as well.

"...sweet Idunn's apples...

If you'll excuse me."

And he starts walking straight in that direction.

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2013-10-06 10:57 pm UTC (link)
Argo started walking that direction as well, starting to outpace Vincent.

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2013-10-06 11:04 pm UTC (link)
"Tyler, excuse me. There is something I must do."

Dolemeck suddenly shadowports and beats Argo and Vincent to the Oktoberfest maiden. He quickly gets on his knee and kisses the back of her hand before speaking in German to her.

"Good day, madam. I am Dolemeck Night of Baths, and I find you to be most enchanting! Perhaps you would be open to spending some time with me during this festival?" He said in near perfect German. "I would be most honored if you said yes."

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2013-10-06 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Tyler just rubbed his temple. This was going to be a long trip.

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2013-10-07 12:58 pm UTC (link)
Vincent was just beginning to lengthen his stride to overtake Argo's, when Dolemeck appears in front of them. He stops in his tracks, puts his hands in his pockets, and huffs lightly. "Fiiine..." and he goes to find something to eat.

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2013-10-07 10:16 pm UTC (link)
While the lady accepted Dolemeck's invitation, Argo just stared.

"What... what just happened?"

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2013-10-07 10:39 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck looked over his shoulder and gave both Vincent and Argo a raspberry. Argo taught him well, perhaps too well. He was all smiles as he walked over to Tyler.

"Tyler, this is Gerta. She knows where we can find the best beer in the beer gardens and has been kind enough to offer us a tour of Oktoberfest!" He smiled brightly. "Let's make hast. I only have maybe an hour or so left before I am required to perform for this festival."

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2013-10-07 10:47 pm UTC (link)
Tyler just scratched his head. He really didn't know what else to do.

"Guttentag, Gerta." He hoped he said that right. Man..how did she walk? Maybe she was a mutant.

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