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shield_legacy ([info]shield_legacy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-09-24 19:30:00

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Entry tags:sammy fury, tim dugan

Checking In (Sammy)
Tim managed to get a few days off and he headed to New York. Working on Top Secret stuff didn't allow for much social contact with other people not working on the project. A few days off was just what he needed to head to New York and check in on his best friend.

He headed into SHIELD's public offices and straight for where Sammy was at.

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2013-10-12 12:52 am UTC (link)
"Possibly. Or you could just happen to come and visit," he said with a grin.

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2013-10-12 12:58 am UTC (link)
"That I could probably do. So keep that sofa ready for me."

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2013-10-12 11:11 pm UTC (link)
"Like I said, you will get my bed and I'll take the sofa."

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2013-10-13 05:02 pm UTC (link)
Sammy ate another fry and shook her head. It was already a done deal in her mind.

"Is it actually possible to get security clearance just to visit? I mean, if you can't tell me about it, I must not have clearance."

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2013-10-14 10:08 pm UTC (link)
Tim smiled. "Well you do need help with your powers and seeing how I need to help you with that. I'm sure you can pull some strings."

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2013-10-15 12:09 am UTC (link)
"Doctor Morse had a really interesting take on what I do. She said it was like having a panic attack. Because the helicarrier was crashing AND under attack, she thinks I had a real panic attack inside a panic attack and that's how I got myself stuck. Now I'm just plain scared to get stuck alone."

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2013-10-15 12:15 am UTC (link)
Tim reached across the table and took her hand. He gave it a squeeze. "I'll get stuck with you any day."

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2013-10-15 01:05 pm UTC (link)
Sammy held onto his hand. Tough Girl Fury didn't like to voice her vulnerabilities, but hand squeezing was fair game.

"I'll remind you that you said it if it happens again. Soon as I get over this hump I can go back on active duty. I'll check to see if my security clearance will let me on the site. If not, I'll make a personal request to Tony Stark. I'm still a reserve Avenger in good standing."

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2013-10-15 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"I'll see what I can do as well," he said not letting go of her hand. "It'll be nice having you around."

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2013-10-19 11:20 pm UTC (link)
"Before long you'll be saying I ruined your clubhouse again."

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2013-10-19 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"Well that's a given," he said. "You always do that. Ever since the day you ignored the No Girls Allowed rule."

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2013-10-19 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"You made an unfair rule. I had to protest in the interest of girls everywhere. I'd do it again."

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2013-10-20 12:17 am UTC (link)
"I know you would," he said and gave her hand a squeeze. "It's what makes you, you."

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2013-10-20 01:23 am UTC (link)
She squeezed his hand back. "What makes me, me is an overabundance of ammo and a bottomless coffeepot. I have so much more coffee these days without you raiding my stash. I miss having to hunt you down to get some back."

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2013-10-20 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"I won't be gone that long," he said still not letting go of her hand. "Besides, you're going to come visit me. I'll steal your coffee then."

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2013-10-21 05:52 pm UTC (link)
"Heh, we'll see about that." Coffee stealing or coming back, it was a toss up.

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2013-10-21 10:32 pm UTC (link)
"How are the others?" he asked.

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2013-10-22 03:31 pm UTC (link)
The cheerful atmosphere disappeared. "As well as can be expected, I suppose. Getting hit the way we did, it rocked a lot of agents. You know, in theory, that there is no safe place anywhere, but being a highly trained SHIELD agent gives you a false sense of security when you're on the helicarrier. Dr. Morse is very busy. That's what I hear from eavesdropping on the parents. They're making lists and checking resources. SHIELD lost enough that inactive agents are being reactivated to fill in for the time being."

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2013-10-23 06:06 pm UTC (link)
Tim nodded. "I guess it's to be as expected. Any leads on who did it?"

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2013-10-24 04:41 am UTC (link)
"The colonel thinks it's Hydra, but he always thinks of Hydra first."

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2013-10-24 04:06 pm UTC (link)
"With good reason. They usually are behind stuff like this. Though they aren't the type to not show their faces and the breakout and the crash was too coordinated."

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2013-10-24 04:29 pm UTC (link)
Sammy nodded. "So it's still an ongoing theory but I hear Hoskins is working on the problem. Now that I know the full extent of the breakout problem, I'll get a little more proactive in finding out what's going on. It'll take my mind off the timestopping elephant in the room."

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2013-10-24 04:31 pm UTC (link)
"When you come out west, I'll take you rock climbing. That'll help you get your mind off of the timestop issue."

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2013-10-26 07:09 pm UTC (link)
"Now if you just had a beach other there! I could go for some time in a beach chair. Water, sand, sun, and lots of iced tea."

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2013-10-26 09:43 pm UTC (link)
"As soon as this project is over, I will take you to Singapore. Beautiful beaches and wonderful diving."

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(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-10-26 11:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-10-27 10:25 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-10-27 11:39 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-10-28 10:23 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-10-29 04:26 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-10-29 11:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-10-30 05:31 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-10-30 08:07 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-10-31 04:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-10-31 11:11 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-10-31 11:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-11-01 12:39 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-11-01 12:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-11-01 01:01 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-11-01 01:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-11-01 01:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-11-01 02:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-11-04 12:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sammyfury, 2013-11-07 03:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]shield_legacy, 2013-11-13 11:47 pm UTC

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