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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-11-09 12:43:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, awesome andrea, inactive - arachne, inactive - swashbuckler, kristoff vernard, npc - black widow, npc - scotty lang, npc - stature, npc - tony stark, team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

Cordially Invited (set November 14th)
The morning of Saturday, November 14 dawned. With the whole Fantastic Four family there, the chairs and a few minor decorations for the empty 29th floor of the Baxter building were easily set up. The rest of the guests would be arriving soon, Cassandra's friends among the Avengers.

Jennifer Walters had been kind enough to recommend the judge. Their license was in order. The bride was with the maid of honor and there was no word of any problems at the moment.

By noon, Cassandra would be his, officially. Scotty, too, to an extent.
If any outsider prevented that, Kristoff was not absolutely certain he could keep himself from ...a display of excessively bad manners.

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2009-11-22 03:11 am UTC (link)
Kristoff loves his brother beyond words, and is glad to have him standing with him, but he is definitely not looking at Vincent right now.

He takes his Cassandra's hand, eyes searching, fingers holding on like he's worried she's going to disappear.

And Doom already apparently made the point he felt like making at the moment. And Kang is apparently still sulking.
And a flood of two-bit villains were apparently frightened off by the building's security, and the middleweights may have had some guesses about SHIELD, and Nathaniel Richards has probably forgotten he has children again and the rest of the heavy nuisances don't care.

And the elegantly short ceremony starts, and soon Kristoff's promising to love, honor, and cherish her for the rest of his life.

And reminding himself that he Does Not cry in public.

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2009-11-22 03:18 am UTC (link)
There were tears in Cassie's eyes. After so long, after so many mistakes along the way, she was finally here with Kristoff.

And after making her vows she leaned in for the kiss. "I love you."

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2009-11-22 04:07 am UTC (link)
"And I you," he whispers and kisses her and Devel, she's his and he's hers, rings on their hands and everything.

Kristoff Vernard is supremely happy.

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2009-11-23 07:38 pm UTC (link)
Vincent smiles broadly as he's the first to start the applause.

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