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ng_rgoodfellow ([info]ng_rgoodfellow) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-06 00:06:00

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Entry tags:inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - jason reed jr, inactive - rose logan, npc team - robin goodfellow, ryan spector

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...oh my! (open to anyone)
The excitement of the holidays was winding down and life was becoming mundane once again. Where was the fun in that? Life needed to be exciting to be worth living. These poor fools that went about their daily routine didn't realize that. They needed to live a little and take a break from their boring mundane lives.

The lions outside the New York Public Library, Fortitude and Patience, were just the things to liven up the droll lives of New Yorkers. The huge statues started to move and eventually stood up. They both let out a mighty roar and then jumped off their pedestals and started moving down 5th Avenue.

Robin was far from done. Central Park was not far away and neither was the Central Park Zoo. In the blink of an eye, the animals in the cages were out of the cages and the people visiting the zoo were in the cages. It didn't take long for chaos to erupt.

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2010-01-06 05:18 pm UTC (link)
Charlie had been at the library, with a group of the younger kids from the youth center, for story hour. He'd been on his way out the building with the kids, who were still hyped from the day's story.

It was one of the younger girls, a little redhead by the name of Pamela, that drew Charlie's attention to the chaos happening outside the library. "Hey, Charlie!" She tugged on his arm, "Lookit! They came to life!"

Charlie glanced down at the girl, a smile on his face. "What came to life, Pammy?"

She pointed outside, where Fortitude and Patience were making their way down the stone steps of the library. "The big kitties!"

Charlie looked in the direction that Pamela was pointing at. "What the..."

He turned to the other volunteer from the center, a girl about his age. "Keep an eye on them," he said, sprinting to the back door, "I'll be back in a moment."

Leaving the girl standing with the group of five to seven year olds, Charlie grabbed his backpack and exited the library, looking for a place where he could change into his Lt. America gear without notice.

And he'll put out a call to any Avengers in the area....just in case.

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2010-01-07 01:27 am UTC (link)
Maybe not an Avenger, but there was an other library patron that day (they had some untranslated Japanese addition books she'd wanted), but there was another super-hero coming out of the library at the time the lions came to life.

"Oh, fer the luvva..."

She flexed her fists. Snckt!

"Bring it, it Kimba," Rose snarled.

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2010-01-07 02:30 am UTC (link)
Patience roared and swatted at the girl with the claws. His was bigger though.

Fortitude chased after a shiny moving box on wheels.

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2010-01-07 08:00 pm UTC (link)
Rose sidestepped the swipe, then struck out with her left.

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2010-01-07 01:04 am UTC (link)
Jason was enjoying his day in the park with a lovely lady at his side. They conversed about his life as a so-called fashion guru and he bragged about how he could make anything he wanted in fashion (this, of course, was not entirely true). But he was explaining to her his other talents, such as singing.

"Oh, I'd love to hear you sing sometime Jason."

"We can do a duet tonight if you want."

She giggled and he grinned and pulled her close. Before they could kiss, they wound up trapped inside the lion's den, literally. But the odd thing was, the lions were outside of the den. The girl at his side didn't scream, although some people in the crowd did.

"Don't worry, babe. I can deal witht his."

He smiled at her, and she swooned. This wasn't so much a problem for him to deal with as a form of entertainment. He would have to seek out whomever had done this and give them props. But before that, Jason walked up to the high bar fence of the den and grabbed the bars. Pulling them apart was a simple task, and he walked out. But he pulled them shut again so the animals outside of the den wouldn't get in and attack the civilians.

He had to be the superhero today.

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2010-01-07 01:27 am UTC (link)
Ryan was 5 miles into his usual 8 mile daily run when he started to hear screaming coming from near the zoo maybe 400 yards away.

Curious as to what was causing this screaming and why now there were so many people running at and past him Ryan turned to head towards the zoo. He didn’t get very far when he nearly ran into a rookery of penguins.

All Ryan could say was, “What the hell is going on here?,” only to see a sea lion chasing after the penguins badly.

After watching the penguin jump into a fountain and losing the sea lion Ryan was finally able to take his eyes off of the purely absurd scene he had just witnessed.

After taking a moment to comprehend what he had just witnessed Ryan started running again towards the zoo to find how what the hell was happening in central park.

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2010-01-07 02:34 am UTC (link)
"Help us! Get us out of here!" the people in the cages yelled. The animals outside the cages enjoyed their new found freedom and started running away from the cages.

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2010-01-07 02:44 am UTC (link)
"Hold on please. Thanks."

While he talked, he used his psychokinesis to pull back the lions and hold them down by their fur. As well as with any other animal in sight. Any animal with fur or hair in his view was being held to the ground by his power. But many animals were fast and escaped his view, so what Jason had done was not nearly as great as some others could do.

"I'll be with your in a sec, people."

He smirked.

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2010-01-07 03:03 am UTC (link)
Jesus Christ, though Ryan as he was now sprinting towards the zoo, someone let all the animals out of the zoo but what was even more odd was the fact that so far he had seen no one attempting to control the situation, no police or zoo staff.

Then things got even stranger as he enter the zoo were he found a zone where all the animals were motionless and frozen in place. As he rounded a corner and found a man holding the animals in place somehow without touching them.

“Hey is ever thing all right over there,” Ryan called out to the man.

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2010-01-07 03:43 am UTC (link)
Jason looked over at the newcomer. "I've got this under control," he replied back, "Did you stop any of the other animals from running away?"

He turned around while he had the animals pinned and pulled the metal bars open wide so some of the trapped people could escape. His date gave a sweet kiss and stood by his side, holding his arm.


His cheeks went read, as if he was flattered. But it was all part of the game.

"We need to knock the animals out before I put them back. I don't like moving things when they resist."

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2010-01-07 04:04 am UTC (link)
“Sorry no too many animals and only one of mea and sure but how do you suggest I do that,” asked Ryan as he walked closer to the man in control of the animals.

“I could carry most of them one into the cages,” said Ryan thinking out loud, “If you can hold them while I move them, but the bigger one would be more challenging. If we can find one of the vets then they could use drugs to know them out for use, either that or I hit them hard in the temporal lobe and see if that knocks them out but that could end badly.”

“I think if we can I find a vet that would be our best bet the best bet,” says Ryan to the stranger.

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2010-01-07 04:19 am UTC (link)
"Yes. Go find your veternarian and free him or her from a cage. I'll just stand here with this small number of escaped animals while the rest of them run free in the city."

Seriously. Jason was not happy with the idea of wasting time, so he took matters into his own hands and lifted the animals himself. He was capable of lifting up to ten tons with his mind, and he did so with the animals he had pinned down. The single lion he captured was flown into the lion's den, and he promtly pulled the bars back to a place where the lion could not get out.

"You're so strong, Jason." The arm candy was doing her job.

"Thanks babe. But of course, there is still more to do."

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2010-01-07 04:38 am UTC (link)
“Ok then I’ll go and start freeing people and see if I can find anyone who can help and tell your girlfriend to call the cops because for some reason they haven’t come yet,” said Ryan as he turned to see what he could do.

Remembering an employee’s only door not far from where he was he headed there to raid the place for anything he could use. Without even having to search far he found a tranquilizer gun and what appeared to be a master set of keys.

Avoiding an elephant Ryan started heading to the nearest exhibit to free the people inside.

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2010-01-07 05:11 am UTC (link)
He was kidding, right? Jason shook his head as the other guy ran off to find a veternarian. "C'mon babe," he told his date as he started putting things back in order with the animals he already had captured. He didn't have much to put away, but it was enough for a good start. By the time Ryan got back, Jason would probably be ready to move on to finding and capturing the rest of the animals.

He wasn't dumb. He knew that having a veternarian with something to knock out the animals safely was a good idea. It was just a waste of time to start off with that idea, and thus stupid in addition to being smart. Right? "Eh."

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2010-01-07 01:59 pm UTC (link)
After stopping and unlocking the cages with people trapped inside them on the way back to where Jason was Ryan still had not found any one helpful in the slightest and most of the people that he had rescued had run off without even a thank you. There was still no sign of the zoo staff or the cops. Maybe this means that they were dealing with something else causing problems whatever that could be.

By the time he made it back to where Jason was all of the animals he had caught were put away and he had started working on another section. But at least he could say he had gotten a lot of people out of the cages.

As he continued along the path Ryan spotted out of the corner of his eye a polar bear charging right for him.

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2010-01-07 04:48 pm UTC (link)
Jason, however, did not see the polar bear charging for Ryan. He and his date were busy dealing with opening cages and letting people out, since they could find very few animals to deal with. The ones they did find were easily handled.

Now, if Ryan or the polar bear made some sort of noise, Jason would be alerted to the situation.

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2010-01-07 08:53 pm UTC (link)
Swearing loudly as the polar bear charged at him, Ryan fired a tranquilizer dart but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the bear. Then when Ryan tries for another shot only to find the gun out of ammo and the bear was still charging him.

Swearing even more loudly Ryan drops the gun gets into a position where he might be able to hit the polar bear for a knockout either that or get mauled.

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2010-01-07 09:07 pm UTC (link)
Jason's attention is caught, and he mutters about how useless Ryan is. As he mutters, he attempts to put the polar bear into the air and hold it there with his psychokinetic power.

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2010-01-07 09:18 pm UTC (link)
The bear seemed to be slowing down but not enough and it was in striking range for Ryan. So He hit and hit the bear as hard as he could with a haymaker while simultaneously getting out of the bear’s path.

The bear went down hard sliding a bit before finally stopping.

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2010-01-07 09:21 pm UTC (link)
With the hit Ryan landed, Jason took advantage and pulled the polar bear up into the air. It was not unconscious, but it had taken a good hit. "Will you stop folling around now?"

The girl at his side giggled.

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2010-01-07 09:33 pm UTC (link)
Guess it’s time to break out the SAP gloves, thought Ryan.

“Well since you don’t seem to need my help after you’re done with that and the bear running up behind you, there is a herd of elephants running around here you should take care of fast,” called out Ryan thinking that should be no problem for him with his telekinesis.

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2010-01-07 09:39 pm UTC (link)
"Gladly," Jason replied as he levitate both himself and his date into the air. The bear Ryan claimed was running up behind him was unable to reach Jason and his date.

"You're not just going to leave him there with the bearm, are you?" That was an annoying question, but the lady was right. Applying mental force, Jason pinned the bear to the ground with speed, and then lifted it up into the air away from him and the lady.

"He was feeling some strain mentally, but he ignored it as he flew away from Ryan to put the bears in their respective cages and then set the girl down in a safe place. He could deal with the larger animals without his psychokinesis.

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2010-01-07 09:52 pm UTC (link)
As Jason flew away Ryan headed towards Monkey Island to free the people trapped there. After finding the right key which took some time and letting the people out Ryan finally got the lucky break he needed. One of the people trapped inside was zoo worker who was willing to help him out and on top of that she didn’t look much older than him and was quite pretty. Together they started to work on a plan to find the rest of the zoo staff and get the animals back into their cages.

According to the young woman who name he found out was Anna most of the staff had been at the gorilla exhibit because one of the gorillas seemed sick and they were attempting to find out what was wrong. So that was where both of them were headed after they picked up some supplies in cases they ran into any more trouble along the way.

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