Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

January 26th, 2014

Meme: Mike and Sarita: Past Regrets @ 09:51 pm


 Sarita had gone to the kitchen to blend herself some coffee in the style of what she was used to back home. As she did so she found herself zoning out as the coffee just sat there boiling.

December 14th, 2013

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree @ 09:59 pm


Each year toward the end of December people come together with friends and family to celebrate and exchange gifts. The atmosphere is light, merry and there is plenty of cheer to go around. Holiday music fills the air while bright colorful lights light up the nights. Mistletoe is placed in strategic locations and people are willing caught under it.

It's a time of celebration, even for superheroes.

December 3rd, 2013

The Ten Cent Tour @ 09:34 pm


"Okay," Toni said, walking a little bit backwards.  "So you saw the living quarters already, and saw the kitchen.  Entertainment room's over here..."

She pointed to a positively huge TV.   "Satellite picks up pretty much any network you could want on this planet, and a few from off.  There's a Kymellian soap opera I'm recording right now.  Don't understand a single word of it, but I think the point gets across.  They're pretty emotive for horse people."

She kept walking.  "So where'd you say you were from again?"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay