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katie_cakes ([info]katie_cakes) wrote in [info]occultus,
@ 2011-10-29 23:55:00

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Entry tags:char: alicia spinnet, char: katie bell, char: tig oswauld-spinks

Who: Katie, Licia, Tig and many others.
When: Saturday night.
Where: Neverland
Rating: Maybe R further in.
Summary: Katie, licia and Tig head to Neverland to see who they can find.

Katie opened her eyes as she apparated outside of the club. Stepping forward a few feet she waited for the other two girls to appear with her. Bending over at the waist, Katie tugged at the top of her boots, making sure they were comfy. She knew the outfit she had on was quite revealing, but she couldn't find it within herself to care. Wonder Woman would be gracing the club that night and she was hoping to have some fun.

Turning to face the apparation point, Katie grinned as two pops were soon heard. "Are we ready then ladies?" She held her hands out to the two girls. She was really looking forward to spending a night in the club with them. She hadn't had a night out with the girls for quite some time, it seems their schedules often conflicted. One would often come home late and be exhausted while the others had had a day off.

"So do you reckon we can just walk in tonight?" She asked, glancing at their costumes and not fancying standing in the long queue, of dressed up people, in the cold.

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2011-10-30 12:58 pm UTC (link)
Katie led the girls through the crowd, keeping tight hold of Licia's hand so they didn't get separated. She brished against several figures, some in costumes she knew and some she didn't. "Haha so he is! I wonder what Fred has come as.? Katie couldn't see the other red head, despite being taller than both of the other girls. Spotting an opening at the bar Katie made a beeline for it, still keeping hold of Licia even when they came to a stop at the bar.

Turning her eyes to the bar area Katie zoned in on the man serving up drinks and licked her lips. Katie knew that Pretty was gay, but it really didn't stop her looking. "Why yes, yes he does Tig" Katie watched as the man bent over, grinning and taking in the view.

"Ohhh Pretttyyyy! Now you have given my girls and I a fantastic view, can we get three screaming orgasms please?" She asked sweetly, glancing at the other three girls to check that the choice of drink was okay.

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2011-10-30 03:06 pm UTC (link)
'I'm sure you'll get a mask by the end of the night if you ask for one, love.' Lici smiled at the younger blonde. Tiger-lily seemed to have a knack for getting things from people. A good trait to have when it came to drinks. 'Something to match I imagine,' she replied to Katie's question.

Squeezing Tigger's fingers lightly in return, she laughed as the sentence trailed off, though she couldn't blame the girl. Pretty was giving them a very nice view. 'Mmmm, delicious.' She grinned as the barman turned back, winking at him. 'We'll try and get you one for Christmas, Tiger.'

Smirking at the choice of drink, she leaned on the bar, letting some of the charmed vines from her costume creep along it. 'Make mine a multiple one and I'll love you forever.'

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2011-10-30 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Tigger grinned at Alicia's comment, the younger Hufflepuff encouraged to go and get a mask later. She agreed with Alicia's answer, knowing that even though the Twins didn't seem to match exactly, they usually had a common theme to their outfits - particularly on costume nights.

"I don't need the Flash costume, just a bow on his head would do." She replied, a little bouncy again. Of course, Tig knew she wasn't Pretty's type but maybe someone like Pretty would be nice.

Tig giggled at the name of the drinks Katie picked. Funny names of drinks always made her laugh, even if she had heard them a million times before. At hearing what Lici was having Tiger-Lily decided she wanted that too. "Mine too please, Daniel." Tiger was always polite when asking for something.

While waiting for their drinks, Tiger's eyes looked over the crowd on the dance floor once more. She spotted her cousin in the DJ booth, knowing she'd have to go say hi later - he wouldn't be able to see her through all the people. Then again, Oz had a knack of being able to seek her out no matter how crowded a room. Must be super werewolf instincts or something.

"Here's to a wicked night, ladies," Tig toasted when Pretty gave them their drinks.

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