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Community Information

Below is information about the "The Prince Productions - Main Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:princeofmusic (56623)
(no userpics)
Name:The Prince Productions - Main Community

The Prince Productions is a music company owned by Sakaki Tarou. They are always looking for new young and talented artists. The company has produces several hit songs and artists and now it is time for you to join them and take your place in the world of stars. For you, it is the perfect time to join! The company is doing some changes with their systems and introducing their new things.

For all new artists there will be a journal where they can keep in touch with the other newbie artists and make bonds from the very beginning. Being in good terms with other artists will be important for everyone in the near future, so try your best to to make new friends and enjoy working with them!

Apart from artists personal journals, there is also a public blog called ~For your eyes only~. This is the blog where artists can post about their everyday life and well wishes for their fans and show their appreciation for their support. This blog isn't mandatory for any of the artists, but it does boost their popularity. This public blog is closely moderated by the company people so that only positive feelings will come across. Fans can also comment in this journal.

Fans are also an influence in other things too. They can vote for events that the artists will do and even decide what kind of music groups will be doing songs. This is partly the reason why co-operation is important: you never know who you'll end up teaming with!

There is also the chance of living in the newly built dorm. What life awaits for you there?

Are you in or are you out? This company is looking for your talent!


This is a Prince of Tennis AU roleplay where instead of tennis there is music.

Look around through the following links to see what kind of a game lies beneath.

Game Rules | Company Rules

General things | Birthday list | Living arragements | Song list | Publish a song

Reserves | Application | Taken

Contact information & Quick add (F-Only)

Mod journal: [info]princeproducing
Main Community: [info]princeofmusic
The Public Blog: [info]foryoureyesonly
OOC Community: [info]princeofooc

Maintainers:2: itteyosh, princeproducing
Members:2: itteyosh, princeproducing
Watched by:3: checkmated, itteyosh, princeproducing
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2012-01-02 23:26:14
Date updated:2012-01-09 14:05:57, 647 weeks ago
Clients used:
Journal entries:0
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 0
Posting Access:2: itteyosh, princeproducing

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