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Aridis Thordottir ([info]eagleofthebow) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2011-09-18 13:44:00

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Texts from last night
Saw this meme in a few places. I thought it was really funny so I thought I would put it up here.

* Post with your character
* Others respond with texts from TFLN or ones they've made up themselves.

*OR vice-versa. You start with a text and others respond.


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2011-09-18 04:27 pm UTC (link)
Next time don't introduce them. Tis best to let the train wreck happen on it's own

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2011-09-18 04:30 pm UTC (link)
Not the case. She took me to the same place she'd taken the two of them. It was surprising, and indicative of a clear lack of organizational skills.

It was a
magnificent train wreck, though.

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2011-09-18 04:48 pm UTC (link)
Did the date go well at least?

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2011-09-18 05:41 pm UTC (link)
I had to declare it not a date at the point where I found out she had a boyfriend, let alone two. Not my style.

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