The Voyages of the USS Anubis

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June 29th, 2009

11:19 pm - Underway
A voice comes from over the ship's coms.

"All crewmen, we have an hour before leaving drydock. All senior officers report to the observation room." There's a pause. "That does include Engineering."

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June 28th, 2009

03:35 pm
Lt. Effie Barclay walked slowly through the corridor carrying a small stack of boxes containing various sample-extraction supplies, looking for an easily-accessible storage area to put them in and contemplating all the sorts of things she'd might well be putting in them in the near future. Where she was going was about six steps down on the concentration list.

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June 20th, 2009

01:36 am
Ensign Teera D'ok seldom has a good day, and that's fine by her. Two weeks out of the Academy, and still sporting a shiner from that last fight.  She refused to head to Sickbay for something so trivial. Where she came from, it would have meant some well-meaning lecture about her "place" if she went to a standard med center and the other option...they typically didn't have a lot of anything, so you ended up sucking it up unless something was broken. 

But, damn...did it feel good to wipe that smirk off that guy's face.

Only things she had to her name was a rucksack of clothing, her cherry-red Fender bass guitar, and her diploma. Her only request for assignment? Get as far away from Trill as possible.

As she checks her closet-sized cartography lab and communications analysis equipment, she cracks a wide grin.

Looks like I got my wish.
Current Mood: [mood icon] chipper

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June 17th, 2009

12:09 pm - The Doctor is in
Vaal hummed to herself as she moved to and fro in Sickbay, checking hyposprays and other medical instruments. It was busywork but Vaal liked busywork, especially if it took her mind off of where they were going. Even an optimistic Bolian like her could get worried.

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June 13th, 2009

06:35 pm - Nightmares and Solitude
The USS Falconer glided through space, approaching a small nebula-like cloud of glowing magenta gasses.

Captain Anders stood and approached the viewscreen to get a better look. “Slow us down, Ensign.”

“Yes, sir,” the ensign at the helm replied, and the Nova-class Falconer slowed nearly to a stop.

The Andorian at the captain’s side stepped up to meet him. “It does physically resemble a nebula, despite its small size,” he admitted. “But the energy readings are like nothing we’ve ever encountered before.”

The captain nodded. “Perhaps we should have Lieutenant Commander Aldin join us?”

The Andorian shared a brief smile with the other Andorian on the bridge, who was sitting at the communications station. “I think she would like a closer look, yes,” the commander agreed.

At the comm. station, Lieutenant Ivos turns back to his controls. “Bridge to Commander Aldin,” he said. “Captain Anders requests your presence.”

Ivos let himself share a quick grin to the first officer before turning back to his duties, and Commander Kor returned it. The smile would be all they would allow themselves right now: they both knew that they had to maintain their most professional demeanor at all times, even during such a casual exploration. Starfleet allowed married Andorian quads to serve together, provided they did not allow their personal feelings to interfere with their duties. A quick smile was all they could afford. Kor and Ivos both knew, however, just how much Aldin would enjoy examining something new like this.

Unfortunately, she would never get the chance. )

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