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α м ([info]mattias) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-11-28 20:31:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, arista sykes, galvin gudgeon, group, howell williams, magnolia mattias, michal conway lynch, noah boot, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, rose knightley, saoirse mullet, seth wadcock, thomas mccormack


It had been a long journey, but he and Maggie had finally, finally arrived here, where they could share their relationship with world. Celebrate it! With their family and friends (the most dramatic of which Adrian had made sure would be on their best behavior tonight through some light verbal assaulting), whom Adrian was more than willing to extend his happiness to. And it was, it was such a deep joy that he couldn't--- even though they had been married for months, tonight made it feel... official, like there could no longer be any question that they were Adrian and Maggie Mattias, with their two beautiful children and their beautiful life---

Adrian cut off his own thoughts, thinking that they would only lead to a less put together version of himself. Instead, he simply let his thoughts roll to how this was an excellent way to kick off what would unquestionably be the most hectic two months of his (and Maggie's) life. But in a good way, it made him content to think that... they would need to sit down and figure out their schedules to ensure seeing each other, staying together as a close family because in the end, if that wasn't important, then what really was? Working through and with the sport they individually loved, spending the holidays together... he had no doubt he and Maggie would work it out effortlessly.

And, just in case, it was a good thing they had spectacular sex to smooth any rough patches over.

His lips pressed into something of a grin, and letting his cheekiness take over him, Adrian reached over in his seat to graze his hand slowly up Maggie's leg. Dinner had just ended, and it was getting late enough that the lights that had been set up for hours were finally starting to create nothing short of a stunning atmosphere. Their guests could enjoy it, but he had all the beauty he needed right here.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" It was a serious question completely lost in his proud smile and light-mannered tone. Adrian leaned over to lightly kiss the side of Maggie's neck.

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2012-12-02 04:42 am UTC (link)
"Excellent," Michal grinned, unceremoniously dropping himself in the empty chair next to Seth. Wedding receptions were great, one of the few social gatherings that he always enjoyed because they went one of two ways: either he didn't have a date, and had a whole selection of relatively influential group of witches to choose from, or he did have a date, which allowed practically full snogging, groping, etc. access at all times because how could you not at a wedding? And he enjoyed that.

He was very sure Therese enjoyed that too, or else she would have certainly slapped him for how progressively forward he'd gotten with her throughout the night.

But, they had separated for the time being, which Michal was perfectly fine with, because he did have other things to tend to. Like his miserable looking best friend, sitting lonesome like some awkward fifteen-year old that wasn't currently apart of the team in the number one spot going into the playoffs. What was that about? Seth should be celebrating. Or at least be enjoying what would be the last few hours of personal freedom, with how grueling playoffs were going to be this year.

Nope, unacceptable.

"Who's first?" Michal asked, kicking his feet up under the table and lounging his arm across the back of Seth's chair.

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2012-12-02 05:15 am UTC (link)
Seth glanced around the room, too many good moments had already passed, the humor in his comments going with them. For instance, he was pretty sure that Odette was just a little past drunk and that was entertaining right up until she had found her husband. Then, well, honestly Seth was glad when the disappeared from his sight into a line of trees. At least someone was having some fun.

Then there was Gudgeon and Sykes getting cozy by the bar. At first he was a bit disappointed to see that his invitation was turned down for his, but quickly decided it wasn't worth it. Seth liked Vinny a lot, and the Falcons had a great thing going on and he certainly wasn't going to ruin that over a girl.

And finally Howell and the tiny blonde from the Arrows. He had no idea how that even happened but it certainly was interesting to watch the interaction between the two.

"Well. I'm trying to decided who makes the more interesting couple, Vinny and Princess Pride," he started tilting his glass towards the bar before shifting his gaze to the dance floor, "or Howell and the bird from the Arrows. You think they will get us anything useful for the playoffs?"

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2012-12-03 04:17 am UTC (link)
Michal's feet dropped to the floor.

"Howell?" he repeated, now sitting up straight. Howell Williams. Their sickeningly polite Chaser. The one that barely uttered strung together words unless forced to. With a bird? Who was Appleby. The team aspiring to be a better performing version of the Harpies.

Wait, wait-- wait.

Michal chose to brush aside Seth's comment about Vinny and Arista, because quite frankly, Michal was not looking to walk into a trap in which he had to a) talk down a teammate that was single-handled the most influential reason for their top spot, and b) bring up the pesky issue of Arista Sykes, a sore in Seth's side that could be spotted a pitches away. It was just all rather an unfortunate situation Michal did not want to get dragged into.

So, happily, that left their more subdued teammate, one that was entirely too easy to talk about.

"Which girl? " His eyes began to quickly scan the area in front of them. Spotting nothing, he turned back to Seth eagerly. "The day Williams acts improperly will be the day you sprout wings out of your nose," Michal said promptly. But the image of Williams and a girl? Merlin, that would be too good. "Where?" he demanded.

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2012-12-03 04:59 am UTC (link)
"Hey, don't wish that on me, I know its your dream to one day corrupt him and I like my face the way it is." Seth said mildly setting his glass down on the table.

"Are you blind?" Seth asked leaning closer to Michal to better direct his sight. "Okay look, tiny blond in the tiny white dress giant flower bow thing on the side. You can't miss her because Williams and his giant arms is standing right next to her. Oh oh and his hand is on her face and I think he's going to kiss her...except on the cheek. Man, no closure. Someone needs to teach him to go all in, or not at all." Seth sighed. So much potential in that moment, but it was over already. Although it was probably for the best.

"Except well, I'm officially letting you know right now, that as my best friend if you see me dancing with a girl and she has that look on her face, you need to tell me to move on and try my luck elsewhere." He said leaning back in his chair, wondering idly if that was a look he often got but was just to blind to notice. He felt for the young chaser, such a cold response to his gentle gesture. "We should get him a shot or two. He might need it."

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2012-12-04 01:44 am UTC (link)
Michal's jaw dropped. Just--- dropped, because in the two years he had known Howell Williams, he had never, truly been the one to talk about women. Ever. In the locker room, in public. Girls. Even remotely acknowledge their existence when it came to the popularity his occupation afforded him with them. And now--- he was in the middle of Maggie's party holding one, having what looked to be quite an involved conversation.

"Saoirse Mullet!" Michal hissed, running the back of his hand into Seth's arm. Her? If Michal could pick anyone, practically anyone in the entire world for William, he would never have picked Saoirse Mullet. Granted, Michal couldn't say he knew her very well (or at all), but he did make it his point to know as much as he could about the chasers constantly trying to score on him. And to say the least, she was not one he readily let out of the corner of his eye.

At Seth's other words, Michal turned his head and let out an amused snort. Should he let Seth know that practically every girl he cornered (Arista Sykes and Odette), had, at one point or another, that look plastered across their respective faces?

No, now wasn't the time to bring that up.

"Noted," Michal responded dryly, raising his brows instead. "Does Williams even drink?" he asked, half jokingly, half seriously. Really, the young chaser was a mystery to him.

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2012-12-04 05:20 am UTC (link)
"Mullet? Isn't she playing for Ireland in the Euro-cup?" he asked with a tone of vague interest, studying the small witch as she walked away from Howell. "How did that even start? There has to be a story." Seth paused pursing his lips, wondering when exactly he had become such a gossiping nancy.

A year ago, he would have laughed at anyone who told him he would spend an evening at a party watching his teammates flirt with other quidditch players, while he sat out half wishing he was at home with his daughter and gossiping with Michal. Well, except the last part. He always gossiped with Michal, but that was usually something he reserved for after he failed at his own attempts of courtship. Seth hadn't talked to a single lady since he arrived.

"Dunno. But I'm willing to bet he'd be a fun drunk." Seth said with a shrug of his shoulders, forgoing voicing his previous thoughts aloud. He wasn't quite sure he wanted to head down that road, he was trying to avoid the maudlin after all.

"So, what happened to your date? I'm surprised you haven't disappeared into the tree grove yet." He said turning on his best friend to change the subject as whatever that was, obviously did not go as planned and Seth decided that gossiping about a teammate while he was down was bad form. Now if they ended up snogging on the dance floor, that would have been a completely different story.

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2012-12-05 01:49 am UTC (link)
He shrugged. Hell if he knew.

As of right now, that was.

With a display like that, Michal certainly couldn't let their teammate just be. Quidditch women could be quite difficult to deal with-- and that would be his official façade of concern when Monday came and he cornered Howell in the locker room to withdraw any information he could. He would have felt guilty for his actions, except he didn't really care.

"Maybe," he responded, shrugging slightly. They could find that out during their celebration after winning the cup.

A wicked grin appeared on Michal's face, and he eased back in his seat. Seth thought--- oh please. "Already done that," he responded, lifting his hand idly. Behind the tree-grove, in the rose garden, and did you know there was a pond on the grounds as well? He did. Michal was about to open his mouth and wittily go into this with Seth, but he hesitated. Gloating about sexual endeavors was nothing new, but even he could tell Seth had not been himself lately concerning that... feminine issue. So, instead,

"You didn't bring anyone," Michal eyed Seth momentarily before turning back to look out at the crowd.

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2012-12-05 04:29 am UTC (link)
Seth raised brow at Michal's tight lipped answer to his question. Usually he spared no details, but then again he usually picked up his dates the weddings. He'd really like to think he was showing some consideration for his date but he had the feeling it was really just because Michal thought he couldn't handle it.

He rolled his eyes. What ever made his friend feel better. "Well that was quick. Usually you disappear and I don't see you again until the next day."

Seth gaze involuntarily shifted over to Arista and Vinny, who were now dancing, for a moment when Michal commented on his datelessness. He debated for half a second about telling Michal about his failed attempt to ask her but quickly decided against it. "I didn't have anyone I wanted to ask." He lied turning his attention back to his friend, finishing off his drink. "Anyways. Do you want another?" Seth asked tilting his empty glass towards his friend's.

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