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the only octavius o. pepper ([info]dinglealltheway) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-12-28 19:49:00

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Entry tags:andrea johnson, anton chang, arista sykes, delilah spinnet, derek dobbs, edward pennifold, ethan jordan, galvin gudgeon, glenda prewett, graciela pennifold, greta catchlove, group, howell williams, iwan quigley, marissa shimpling, matthew summerby, max fancourt, mirabelle jasper, saoirse mullet, scarlett rabnott, seth wadcock, thomas mccormack, violet voltaire

For New Year's Eve!

Octavius thought, all things considered, this party had come together rather nicely. "All things considered" being the harrowing and oddly personal war Mira and he were currently battling out, and its various distractions. With the amount of sabotage his tricky personal assistant wreaked upon him (and, admittedly, some effects of his own retaliation, because he didn't have eight other siblings for nothing), he thought their end-of-the-year bash might never get off the ground. But the floating candles, the rather superb live, musical entertainment, and the food was proof of the fact that, in spite of the squabbling and havoc occuring at the Wizarding Wireless Network studios, they could still throw a rather excellent party.

He optimistically did not let it get to him that he had brought his sister as a date, and an offhand comment she'd made during one of their lunches had given him a spectacular idea for the grand finale of the night. Five minutes before midnight, the lamps would begin to dim to black as the ceiling turned into a reflection of the night sky. Then would begin the countdown, and at the stroke of midnight, ushering in the new year, a slew of firecrackers would be released over the crowd, all courtesy of some handy and pretty ingenious spellwork. Octavius was getting downright gleeful in anticipation of that.

Nor was he letting get to him the unfortunate fact that Mira and he, spitting claws and all, would be taking a portkey at the arse crack of dawn to Istanbul, for the European Cup beginning on the first (or, tomorrow). Select crew, and even some of the party-goers, were in the same boat, but Octavius had a feeling the sleeplessness would be worth it. Tonight would be a night to remember.

OOC refer here for kissing questions! Or ask me :]

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2013-01-01 10:33 pm UTC (link)
Arista had to jerk her head down to collect herself, swallowing thickly. That reaction had been unprecedented, she managed to think weakly, then let the panic have her.

She had to be ruthlessly honest with herself, otherwise she'd cave in an instant. With Galvin, it wasn't simply what people would say or whisper about them, or even the threat of admonishment or punishment for dating another Seeker—this Seeker—that deterred her. Arista didn't know, personally, if her admittedly frail ego could handle such proximity, intimacy, with the enemy. In just a few hours, the preparations for another month-long battle would begin, so how could she date a man one day, and have to go directly head-to-head with him the next? She might no longer believe his goal was sabotage, but would that change the outcome of allowing herself to give in to this awful temptation?

Not to mention Galvin… terrified her, in a word. Arista couldn't remember the last time she had really, actually kissed somebody. And the end result had certainly never left her unsteady on her feet, unable to get her breath back. She didn't feel these things, she wasn't supposed to. Never mind that she didn't have time for such relationships, she simply didn't have the capacity for them, wasn't supposed to. So the worst part was that she wanted more. Even as she stood in front of him, telling herself to shove free and start assessing the damage, another part of her was calculating their height differences, wondering if she were to launch herself on the tips of her toes now, would she be able to reach his lips. Just one kiss had turned Arista into some hungry, needy creature she couldn't make sense of.

"This is too much," she said faintly, backing away, turning to all but run. "I can't do this, it's too much."

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