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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-04-16 15:06:00

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Entry tags:kendall broadmoor, rose knightley

Who: Kendall Broadmoor & Rose Knightley
What: they place nice
Where: Kendall's!
When: Sunday!

Sunday mornings in the spring were the best time ever, at least that was Kendall’s opinion on the matter. Not having to worry about practice or matches, he decided to take advantage of the morning. Spent the first half on the couch lounging in his favorite (now a bit tattered) sleep pants, shirtless, windows open, listening to the wireless until his stomach growled demanding food.

He had just finished making himself waffles, bacon and eggs when there was a knock at the door. Fork already in hand, Kendall stared at the door, wondering if it was really worth answering. Nona was at work, Thomas... well by now Thomas would have just walked in knowing his friend would choose his food over getting up. Another knock just as he stabbed into the eggs. Frowning in great disappointment, he stood from his seat, shoving at least one hot bite of food into his mouth before grabbing his half empty bloody mary and making his way to the door.

Kendall really hadn’t expected to find Rose on the other side of the door as things had been a bit frosty between the two of them ever since she yelled at him at Thomas’ house. “Mornin’,” he greeted pushing the door open further, so she could follow him if she wished. Returning to his plate before it got cold, he took another bite. “What brings you out this way?”

Rose pulled her plait back, swinging it over her shoulder after expelling the breath she had been holding in. It was true, things had been a bit chilled between her and Kendall since they day she returned to Great Britain, and with everything happening it had been... easy to let their strained relationship slip by. Helping Thomas heal from his ordeal had been her priority, and any time out of that had been dedicated to this now very steadily establishing itself relationship with Axe, so most things outside of those two spheres had become wrongfully neglected. Friends, quidditch, real life responsibilities... how had her life become this hectic?

So, uncomfortably, because she did not like how they had become but didn’t exactly feel fully sorry for what she had said, Rose pressed her hand to her head to rub it. “I was just...” she started, intent on saying she had been ‘in the area’ but that wasn’t exactly true. Rose had been intent on going out for runs (with preseason starting in three weeks she could already envision Carys picking viciously at the now soft tissue that use to be muscle), but that hadn’t exactly been here, in Kenmare. It was a poor lie she knew Kendall wouldn’t believe, but that wasn’t the point.

Taking a long look over the stove, Rose’s eyes eventually roved Kendall’s plate. And was that... alcohol? Rose pressed her lips together and shook her head. She was here to make things right between them, not start anything else, or anything like that. Merlin knew how demanding the regular season could be, and it didn’t need to be made more challenging by once again being on the outs with her friend.

“I mean,” Rose started again, hands now going to her hips. “I wanted to apologize, so I was thinking I should come over and I was just out on a run, so...”

Taking a huge bite of his waffle, Kendall’s brow rose at Rose. Out for a run? In Ireland? Well that wasn’t the truth by a long shot, but he decided to let it slide. More importantly Rose was making an effort to apologize, which is all he really wanted from her. Perhaps he did have bad timing, but he wasn’t being malicious about it. At the time he really thought it was a better route than trying to keep things hidden.

“There are extra waffles keeping warm in the oven, and you don’t have to,” he offered after a moment. With the season ahead of them, and everything that had happened, Kendall really couldn’t afford to hold grudges. Nor did he want to. “Apologize that is. We both said things we shouldn’t have said.”

He dug into his food, eating until his eggs were gone. While he didn’t want to hold a grudge he really didn’t want to talk about it either. Things were going really well with him and Nona, and well the chances of another fight starting while trying to fix the old one were too great. Perhaps a little farther down the road, they would be able to discuss it without either of them bristling too much. “So, good run?” he asked with a playful tone.

Pulling out her wand, a few seconds later Rose was contentedly sitting next to Kendall at the table picking apart small bites of a good-tasting waffle. She mulled over what he had said, pleasantly surprised and very much in agreement with his words. Yes, they had both said things they shouldn’t have said, in such a heightened time of emotion. So perhaps there would be a time to revisit Kendall’s reveal, and why she had responded so poorly to it, but not now.

“Alright,” she agreed, nodding slightly. “Okay.” Their descent into comfortable silence eased her, and Rose let out an internal sigh of relief. This was good, this was how it should always be, just... like how it used to be. Lulled into this easy peace, in addition to only now realizing how ravenous she was for Kendall’s delicious cooking, Rose absentmindedly let her content thoughts and Kendall’s suggestive tone get the best of her.

“Yeah,” Rose let out entirely too breezily. Which was true, she had gone out running this morning. It just hadn’t been alone, and it hadn't been the sole physical activity of the morning, either.

She cleared her throat suddenly, then sat up a bit straighter in her seat. While she was able to withhold her flush, Rose failed at containing the vivid images now swamping her mind, and vaguely decided she really should get around to figuring out how to withstand Axe's hands in public.

“Really great," Rose cleared her throat again, and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "Good way to wake up.” She nodded, looking down at her half-full plate.

Kendall paused mid-bite as both his brows shot up. With Rose focused on her food, he wasn’t even sure she noticed the bit of information she revealed. A good way to wake up. Well then. Not taking his eyes off of her, Kendall finished the bite that he left hanging in the air. What on earth was Rose doing waking up in Ireland.

A smirk spread across his face, she was totally with someone on her vacation. Perhaps her Italian Quodpot player lived nearby. “Oh, definitely. The best way to wake up,” he teased finishing off his plate. He rested his chin in his hand and grinned at his friend, using his free one to steal a bit of waffe from her plate. “I’m impressed. Long run from Wales, and you’re not even winded.”

Rose accidentally bit down on the inside of her cheek, this time catching Kendall’s innuendo. She looked up at him, curiously, and became mildly unsettled by his grin. She also let out the smallest of noises as her food began to walk off her plate.

“That’s not--” she started, shaking her head slightly. She hadn’t-- that wasn’t--- there was a thing that common Wizard folk called apparation! How did he know she hadn’t just popped over here for the sole purpose of seeing him--- which it had been. Rose sat up straighter in her chair, gripping the edges of her plate as she thought quickly.

“Since you’re so keen, I’ll have you know I went about usual at home and then apparated over here.” Rose looked at Kendall pointedly, dipping her chin a bit to look him in the eye.

“Uh huh,” he said disbelief seeped into his tone. Sure it was a reasonable excuse. Almost believable, except, had Rose gone home before coming over, surely she would have changed. Clearly she was hiding something, probably someone. He’d have to discuss it with Thomas the next time they were together. Let him know Quodpod was still in the picture.

Standing, Kendall finished of his drink and placed his dishes in the sink. He debated for a moment on whether or not to push his luck and dig for more information, or to just let things lie. The former, while it could prove to be entertaining, with the fact they just made up could also be disastrous.

“Well, I don’t have any plans for today, want to do something? That is unless, you already have plans and this was just suppose to be a quick visit.” He couldn’t help the one last dig for information.

She sucked in her cheeks, disliking his reaction. Though, Rose supposed, she could tell him the entire truth and Kendall still wouldn’t believe it, once he had an idea formed in his head. So, instead of pursuing this idea to ram it into the ground, she instead sighed, and unclenched her grip from her plate. She, too, stood up to follow Kendall over into the kitchen and put her dish in the sink.

“I’m going to look at houses later, and since you were so helpful with Thomas, I thought you might come along,” Rose spoke slowly, and purposely, making sure Kendall made no mistake in her words. She pulled her lips back, for a moment, then produced a genuine smile before pointing at his half-clothed body. “But you’ll need to put real clothes on.”

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2013-04-17 07:11 pm UTC (link)
Kendall wasn’t quite sure if Rose was being sarcastic with him or not, as he had no hand whatsoever in helping pick out Thomas’ house. He studied her face for a moment deciding that the offer to go look at houses was legit. Looking down at his attire and then back up to Rose, “I don’t know what you are talking about, I think I look just fine.” His eyes squinted slightly as he grinned at her.

Making his way to his room to grab suitable clothes. Pulling on a shirt he called back out into the other room, unsure if she was following. “Where are you looking? Wouldn’t happen to looking at moving back to Ireland would you? Suppose you have new reasons now.” He leaned his head out the door to wink at Rose, before going back to changing.

Walking back out to the living room in now fully dressed, he gave her a small spin on his heel. “Does this meet your requirements of ‘real clothes’?”

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2013-04-18 03:28 am UTC (link)
She had been inspecting some appetizing-looking food over the kitchen sink when Kendall called from the other room, and blessed with having her back already turned to him, Rose rolled her eyes. He really was rather subtle, wasn't he? And, she wondered, how could he be so sure of anything? She shook her head. Though, she supposed, she may as well begin preparing herself for an afternoon of this, because if she knew Kendall, she knew the best way to deal with any interest he had would be through amusing him.

Well, not for the best; lest painful? Mildly entertaining with a hint of horrifying.

Good Practice? Good Practice.

So, as Kendall waltzed back into the kitchen, Rose turned to face him innocently. She nodded, thinking yes, a set of robes did count as real clothes so he should be proud of himself for achieving that. People tended frown upon indecent exposure in public, didn't they? Rose pulled her lips back, and tried her best at appearing disinterestedly unbothered.

"Why would I want to leave Wales for Ireland?" She looked at his carefully for a few moments, before redirecting her gaze back to the bowl of fruit in her hands. Brow arching, Rose shrugged before beginning to nibble on a grape. "What reasons?"

She stopped chewing, sticking her hand out to him almost immediately. "Trade rumors?" Rose asked seriously, only partly believing the change of topic she had created.

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