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Malcolm Brown ([info]malcolmite) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-08-11 21:30:00

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Entry tags:arcturus macmillan, malcolm brown

Archie! backdated to Saturday
There was nothing like going shopping, especially with someone who was reluctant to. Malcolm loved clothing and dressing people up, it was a wonder he kept his job as a wardsmith and didn't go into fashion full time. He figured that one fashionista in the family (soon to be!) was enough and he could live vicariously through Psyke and taking his friends out like this. So far he'd been good, just sticking with things that he knew Archie would like, but this he could not resist.

Malcolm reached over the cubicle door and flailed the shirt he had on a hanger, sure to get his friend's attention. "Archie. Take. The. Shirt. And you have to show me you tried it on this time. None of this banging the hanger around and pretending you did and that it didn't fit. I know your size, don't try and pull this on me," he said through the crack in the door, waiting for the shirt to be taken from his hand. He was pretty sure that Archie would find some kind of fault with the not-quite-purple-but-really-blue shirt and give up a protest about it. But that was half the fun, seeing how far he could push Archie into different clothing styles and colors. And the look on Archie's face was definitely funny.

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2008-08-12 05:36 am UTC (link)
This was hell.

This was pure, unadulterated hell.

Archie liked clothes, yes, fine. He enjoyed not being naked when he went to work. Sometimes, he even put a little thought into what he was wearing.

But this was totally uncalled for!

He sighed when Malcolm dangled a shirt in front of him. Taking it from him gingerly, he groaned. "I only did that with one shirt, Malcolm, and it was some kind of slinky material with colors I didn't even know existed on it! It was seizure-inducing!"

How had he even been dragged on this shopping trip? He liked his red shirt, his red shirt was nice, and this was stupid, and he hated shopping, and he hated trying clothes on because you had to take things off and then put things on and then take them off-- oh, this was nice feeling.

This was really nice feeling, it had some kind of silk-texture to it, and it actually fit rather ni--"NO!" he yelled. "NO, Malcolm, I, this, this is ridiculous! I have clothes! I have plenty of clothes, even, and this is a nice, a really ni-- no!"

Oh, bugger.

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2008-08-12 01:50 pm UTC (link)
Ah-hah! Malcolm grinned and shook the hanger just a little more, "Yes you did it with one shirt that was totally the dogs bollocks, it was wonderful. See, we need to go shopping more because I know you have taste, I've seen that red shirt and some of your other clothes, you just need a little help coming the rest of the way. Please just try this one on, you'll love it, I swear."

Malcolm didn't know what the fuss was about, he'd picked that other shirt just to see if they were on the same page. Honestly, didn't Archie know a test swatch when he saw one? He'd clearly passed. Malcolm moved back a bit so Archie could open the door - he'd been good too, keeping Archie sane by not putting his hands everywhere, even though it was hard not to. Archie did have an amazing body. Perhaps he had a twin brother, very gay and less stodgy. That would be a nice distraction from his current predicament with Jamie. "Come on, stud muffin, lets see how fabulous you are. See, I told you that you would love shopping with me."

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2008-08-13 01:28 am UTC (link)
"Malcolm!" Archie protested. "You can't go around using names like stud muffin in public! You shouldn't even use them in private, that is a terrible thing to call somebody."

How much longer could this possibly go on? When Malcolm got started on (he hated to think about this word, it made him shudder)... makeovers, there was no stopping him. They should have had drinks before hand. Shopping would be a lot easier if he had imbibed.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stood, glaring balefully at Malcolm's grinning face.

"If you make me say 'how do I look' one more time, I will take this shirt and strangle you with it," Archie warned him. Malcolm was surprisingly bossy when it came to clothing.

Well, when it came to a lot of things, actually.

Maybe it wasn't that surprising.

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2008-08-13 11:49 pm UTC (link)
"Yes I can, because I'm fabulous and flaming and obviously with a stud muffin. It's a complete complement, Archie. A stud is like, the male horse all the girl horsies go to for sex and getting up the spout. And muffins are cute breakfast things you like to wake up, so it's a much better word than just how I explained it, but, trust me, you're a cutie and it is a far crying shame you're one, single and two, straight, but that's just me. Do you want me to bring the store clerk over? I am sure she'll definitely agree with her. Her name was Stepha, or Stephanie, I think she looked more like a Ginnifer to me. What do you think Archie, what kind of name does she look like?" Malcolm just kept talking through the door, picking over some of the clothes on the racks next to the fitting rooms, waiting for Archie to finish his primping.

Malcolm turned and smiled at Archie, looking him up and down and raising an appreciative eyebrow, "Honey, you don't even have to ask anymore, I will just tell you how you look and since you distaste the word stud muffin, I'll just call you a doll. How is that?" he asked, moving behind Archie and turning him to the mirror. "See, good colour, though I think you need to get out in the sun more, mate. But it goes well, just enough to lighten your face and see," he stepped back a little and pointed at Archie's butt, "It's a good cut on your body. I can just see Miss Ink Blot jumping your bones when she sees you in this. Can't you?"

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