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Hi everyone! It's Carol and this is my third, Jools.

Things to know about Jools:
-She's a he, a biological boy BUT no one other than her mother and a few school officials know this. She's been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder and currently in therapy with a school counselor. This is definitely player knowledge only; it might come out later in the game.

-Because of Jools' diagnosis of GID the school made arrangements for her to live in a single in the dorms. However, it's on the boy's side of the hallway. She explains this away that they never have enough room on the girl's side in the Sonnier dorms and she always just ends up with the luck of the draw; this excuse has seemed to satisfy any curiosity about the arrangement.

-Jools is intense and private as a result. Trying to protect her secret she's isolated herself, but she's grown horribly lonely in recent months. Since she's a senior and almost out of CCI she's starting to open up a bit more. She has a tendency to be blunt in social situations because she hasn't figured out better ways to communicate.

-Jools is a member of Mensa, the school chess club, and plays running back for Sonnier's Quodpot team. She plays the piano and guitar and sometimes fills in for the school pianist when he/she is ill.

We'll take any plot ideas you want to toss at me! Jools hasn't dated at all, too horrified about her gender situation to deal with her sexuality. This could become a plot down the road. She doesn't have any "real" friends, but she's starting to branch out. She could definitely have some enemies.


From: [info]legaux Date: December 7th, 2010 03:46 am (UTC) (Link)

Bobby is probably frightened of her. Bitchy girls are scary :| They're both in Sonnier, so they might have had a couple of run-ins in common areas, but they're in different years and only really have Quodpot in common (Bobby is the mascot)

Amber... would have been mean right back to her. Especially as Jools is smart and would have rejected any suspicious advances coming her way xD And attempted makeovers would have been rebuffed too. GOD THAT FLAT-CHESTED BITCH, WHAT A FUCKING LADYBOY.

Adelaide might like her :) They've both irritated their fair share of other students, and doesn't have many friends (and soon will become an epiclly emo loner). Blunt bitches ftw!
jools From: [info]jools Date: December 7th, 2010 04:34 am (UTC) (Link)
She's probably just distantly cool to Bobby.

OMG. Jools and Amber. This has to happen sometime.

And I think we decided over the summer that Jools and Adelaide were "frenemies." I'm looking forward to them sitting around and bitching about things.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: December 7th, 2010 04:16 am (UTC) (Link)
Oh God....She must be afraid to death of Leon finding out this secret. D:

Brian, however, would be nothing but nice to her. However, he probably doesn't know her except that she's a senior, the wall all freshmen seem to auto-know seniors.
jools From: [info]jools Date: December 7th, 2010 04:31 am (UTC) (Link)
She hasn't been in game this whole while, but Jools informs me that she doesn't reply to Leon's rants because she doesn't want to paint a giant target on her back. But yes, agreed, bad things would happen.

Jools is somewhat friendly with Adelaide, so it might be interesting if all three of them were to hang out.

She probably wouldn't bother with Brian, since he's a freshman and therefore inferior. But if he's nice to her when it's not warranted she might be nice to him in return given her new lease on campus life.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: December 7th, 2010 04:31 am (UTC) (Link)
Rowan would be nothing but friendly to her, and would be very in awe of Jools being in Mensa. Ro's never taken the test, so she's rather impressed by things like that.

Vinnie... would flirt with her. This is what he does. But he's also a sensitive guy, and it would really only be like, light, complimentary flirting.

Lemmie know what you think!
jools From: [info]jools Date: December 7th, 2010 04:35 am (UTC) (Link)
Jools respects Rowan for being so smart and would encourage her to take the test. Seeing as how she's trying to reach out she'd attempt to be nice to Rowan in return; at the very least she'd invite her to study sessions in the library.

Vinnie would make Jools feel very awkward (so I think we should do something with that). :D
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: December 7th, 2010 04:44 am (UTC) (Link)
Study sessions Rowan would happily accept. And she doesn't think she's quite Mensa material, but would be absolutely flattered that Jools encouraged her. I see potential budding friendship. Or at least study buddies.

And Vinnie. Oh that does need to happen. Absolutely.
alittlevague From: [info]alittlevague Date: December 7th, 2010 05:03 am (UTC) (Link)
Janis is a bit afraid, because well, she's a simple creature- and if she's ever been mean/blunt to Janis well.

She thinks it's crazy awesome how smart she is though, and is soooo jealous of her hair.
jools From: [info]jools Date: December 7th, 2010 08:24 am (UTC) (Link)
Poor JanJan. :)
londonloves From: [info]londonloves Date: December 7th, 2010 06:49 pm (UTC) (Link)
I don't think she would be on Mari or Ella's radars, different years and houses. However I can see her and Frankie having a lot in common! They both hate girlie-girls and Frankie would love that she was in Mensa. It's like, having someone to actually talk too!

Charlie would know her from being in the same year, though I don't know how often they would have interacted. I doubt Sim knows her too well, she's a brainy chick and doesn't put out. :P
jools From: [info]jools Date: December 8th, 2010 03:51 am (UTC) (Link)
It might be cool to toss Frankie and Jools at each other and see what happens. They might actually turn out to be friends. :D
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: December 7th, 2010 11:35 pm (UTC) (Link)

Sunny and Jools totes friends in the making because of chess and quodpot. Michi, I think we decided were sorta friends because of quodpot and Jools not being judgey about the pregnancy thing. :D

Then there's Apple, Sam, and Meka... totally open for anything. She might like little smarty pants Meka. :D
jools From: [info]jools Date: December 8th, 2010 03:50 am (UTC) (Link)
Yes and yes. Even thought that was like... months ago when we decided this. Haha.

We can always see what happens with the others if we get bored.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: December 11th, 2010 04:46 am (UTC) (Link)

I think that Tatum probably thinks that she's all right, although I don't know if they would have interacted that much, since they're both sort of socially inept. Maybe it could draw them together? Idek, I'm open for whatever.

Jenny would probably be nice to her given the chance, but again, idk if they'd know each other much. D: Hunter and Erica are probably not particularly on her radar, since neither of them usually tag around with Mensa members very often. What Mensa member would want them tagging along? Harhar.
anastas From: [info]anastas Date: December 12th, 2010 03:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
Too lazy to sign back in as Jools. :D

That could be cool, tossing them together and seeing how awkward they can get together.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: December 12th, 2010 10:58 pm (UTC) (Link)
Hey!! Sorry this is soo late.. just trying to get caught up on everything now:)

So firstly Sera. She and Jools would likely know each other from being in the same house. They could really go either way I think, on one hand Sera probably looks up to Jools for being as smart as she is, but on the other hand she is likely a little jealous and standoffish for the same reason, she doesn't really like being outsmarted, or overshadowed.

And as far as Shelby goes, he probably doesn't even know she exists.
mustbecharming From: [info]mustbecharming Date: January 3rd, 2011 05:56 am (UTC) (Link)

I have Gael here! Sonnier senior (omg I love the way that sounds), Quodpot captain. I imagine they know each other XD He's A LOT nicer than his twin so I'm guessing they get along? Maybe casual friends or something?

And then there's Alex who... I'm imagining she doesn't really know, as he's a freshman in a different house. And kind of a dick.
jools From: [info]jools Date: January 4th, 2011 04:04 am (UTC) (Link)

Gael and Jools could definitely be casual friends, especially since she's on his team. :D
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