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Keith Queen ([info]sonic_arrow) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-16 05:40:00

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Entry tags:huntress, inactive - keith queen

Gotham Gets Green (Open)

It had been awhile since Keith had been to Gotham.  In fact, it had been far too long.  He'd only been able to talk to Marissa over the phone or the computer.  So, after doing some arranging with his parents, Keith got the go-ahead to fly over to Gotham for awhile.  Once he arrived, he had eyes on him at all times, whether it was the paparazzi or friends of the family.  He didn't like it, but he learned to deal with it.  How did he deal with it?  He gave the media one boring day to watch.  All he did was walk around the city.  He texted Marissa to let her know he was in Gotham, but he was going to spare her the paparazzi adventure unless she decided to come out to cause a bit of trouble.  Sure, causing trouble was the exact opposite of the boring day he was giving his camera-draped audience, but he was willing to have at it with Marissa.

He might be inclined to stir up some trouble with any new friends, too.

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2010-12-16 01:17 pm UTC (link)
Huntress was out doing her nightly patrol.

Maria had found that slipping back into a familiar routine had helped her adjust quicker to life in this world. She was up before the sun and in the gym for her morning workout and then would grab a light breakfast before heading to work. She usually saw Bruce at breakfast and the two would talk quietly over coffee.

Once work was done, Maria still found it weird she had a nine to five job, she would go for another workout and then grab dinner. Once the night had settled in over Gotham, she was back out on the streets. After patrol she would unwind with a hot shower and curl up in the library with a book. On occasion she would catch Bruce in the library and would talk with him.

He wasn't nearly as grumpy as he led on, much like her Uncle Bruce, and Maria had found herself looking forward to their chats. Then it was off to bed before the routine would start all over again in the morning.

Tonight she raced through the streets of Gotham on her bike and kept any eye out for anything that would need the Huntress' attention.

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2010-12-16 05:57 pm UTC (link)
There was something interesting that was not often, or ever, seen. The roar of a motorcycle went by, and Keith caught a glimpse of a girl in purple. She was definitely in costume for some reason. Batman wasn't hauling ass to chase her down, and there were no police sirens. Maybe she was another one of the good guys.

Interested in finding out, Keith ditched the posse of paparazzi to suit up himself. Getting out of sight was easy enough, and then the Green Arrow was ready for action in the streets of Gotham City. He didn't have any sort of motor vehicle, though. His prowling was done on foot, but he kept his eyes wide open for that girl.

He probably should have recognized the costume, given the ties his mom had with the Huntress. But he didn't.

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2010-12-16 06:05 pm UTC (link)
There was a loud explosion somewhere between the two heroes. At the source, a number of organized robot spiders was rocking a bank. There was one the size of a tank, two the size of people, and a number of very small spiders. All of them were dangerous, and all of them were just asking to get squashed. Or, dismantled. Whatever you do to mechanical spiders.

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2010-12-17 11:34 am UTC (link)
Maria heard the explosion and skidded to a halt. She turned her bike around and zoomed toward the source.

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2010-12-18 12:15 am UTC (link)
Keith heard the explosion and stopped. Maybe he'd get a chance to see Batman again. It had been a long time since he'd seen the broody guy. Or maybe he'd see the Birds of Prey in action.

He rushed to the scene as fast as he could, taking shortcuts wherever possible. And when he arrived, he was...surprised. Mechanical spiders? Really? Regardless, he knocked two arrows and sent them flying at the tank-sized spider. The end capsules on the arrows burst open to reveal explosive tips.

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2010-12-18 12:20 am UTC (link)
The explosive tipped arrows rocked the tank-sized spider a bit and left dents. Otherwise, it was fine. It's attention turned directly to Green Arrow. The two human-sized spiders turned to Green Arrow for a moment, but quickly turned around again and started to leave. They were the ones carrying the bags, and Spyder Spyder had no time to waste on one little hero trying to save the day.

The cluster of tiny spiders broke apart and started to circle Green Arrow.

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2010-12-18 03:43 am UTC (link)
Maria launched a few batarangs at the smaller spiders, hoping to shatter them.

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2010-12-21 01:04 am UTC (link)
Keith knocked two more arrows and fired them off at the human-sized spiders running away. The capsules broke apart, and they connected each other by a wire. he wasn't letting those spiders get away.

He used the small opening the batarangs made to escape the encircling spiders. But...that was kind of weird. She didn't look like the average member of the Bat Family.

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2010-12-21 01:08 am UTC (link)
Enough of the small spiders were crushed by the batarangs, and the two human-sized spiders were tripped up by the tripwire arrows. The tank-sized spider directed itself at Green Arrow and fired off a spear at him.

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2010-12-21 05:09 am UTC (link)
Maria took aim and threw a batarang at the spear hurling toward the guy in green.

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2010-12-31 03:31 am UTC (link)
The batarang deflected the spear just enough to miss Keith. That was damn close, but Keith didn't have time to keep occupied with that. He fired two arrows at the man-sized spiders running away. The end capsules broke off to expose bomb arrows.

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2010-12-31 03:33 am UTC (link)
The bombs arrows hit their targets, and the man-sized spiders were put down.

Not there was the tank-sized spider to deal with, and the guy controlling it wasn't happy. The big automated spider directed itself at Maria and fired a net at her.

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2010-12-31 03:38 am UTC (link)
Maria saw the net coming at her and dove off to the side. With any luck she won't get caught in it.

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2010-12-31 03:42 am UTC (link)
Keith turned to see the heroin dodge the net projected at her. He knocked his bow and fired a couple of normal arrows at the big spider to draw attention to himself

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2010-12-31 03:43 am UTC (link)
The big spider turned again, firing a net at Keith. Machines didn't get frustrated, but the man watching from cameras was getting furious.

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2010-12-31 04:12 am UTC (link)
Maria grabbed two smoke bombs and set them off. Maybe a little smoke will help. She ran and charged the biggest spider.

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2011-02-04 02:05 am UTC (link)

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