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wanderlust ([info]wanderlust) wrote,
@ 2008-04-07 20:59:00

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What do you most hate sharing with other people?
What do you most hate sharing with other people? 

I hate sharing a lot things.  One of the biggest things though are CD's.  I refuse to let anyone borrow CD's because I've seen how people treat their cd's and just throw them around and let them get scratched.  It's one of my biggest pet peeves.  Another thing I don't like sharing is clothing.  Guard members are notorious for borrowing and not giving back.  Bitches.  B still has my white heart bikini....She's had it since last summer.  But she "can't find it"...I don't think she's looking all the hard.

Annie is FINALLY over.  God I'm so happy.  I official have nothing to do, and I'm loving it.  I just get to relax and read and stuff.  Unfortunately my head is pounding right now.  ugh I hate this.  My mp3 player has officially died.  How sad :(    I've been looking online for good japanese recipes, and I've found a few good ones.  I'm a little unsure about the japanese rice, it sounds like a lot of work.  But I've decided to start cooking elaborate meals now that I don't have anything to do. 

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