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100 Movies in 2008 Challenge! [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:08 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-01-15 07:48 pm (UTC)


Crap, I forgot books!

Flowers for Algernon - Most people read it in middle/high school, but I just read it at the end of last year and it's a great book.
A Certain Slant of Light - YA Fic, but I loved it.
[User Picture]From: [info]amaz_za_zing
2008-01-16 10:06 am (UTC)


I tried respinding to this when I responded to your other comment but my computer/my Internet connection/ Scribbld decided that the page wouldn't load. I wouldn't put it past any of the three of them :P I went to sleep after that and I just woke up, so here ya go ...

I've never read a lot of the books that are typically assigned to middle-school or high-school students (because my middle school was lame and didn't assign books and I homeschooled myself in high school so I got to pick the books I read). That's why I just got around to reading The Catcher in the Rye. I also want to read The Great Gatsby, 1984 and a few others that you'd think everyone would've read by my age. I'll definitely add your suggestions to my list. Thanks!

What's YA Fic?
[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-01-16 03:56 pm (UTC)


Young Adult Fiction! I'm reading a lot but I can't afford any new books so my friends mail me theirs and most of them read YA fic, haha. 1984 is good but slow and kind of hard to get into. Fahrenheit 451 is another really good book!
[User Picture]From: [info]amaz_za_zing
2008-01-17 09:15 pm (UTC)


I looked it up and it looks really good! Thanks!
[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-01-18 01:32 am (UTC)


Yep! :D
[User Picture]From: [info]amaz_za_zing
2008-02-06 05:49 am (UTC)


I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 right now, by the way!
And I'm really liking it!
[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-02-06 06:29 am (UTC)


It's a great book. =)
[User Picture]From: [info]amaz_za_zing
2008-02-06 01:06 pm (UTC)


I just finished it! I loved it!