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cobrastarship ([info]cobrastarship) wrote,
@ 2008-01-05 21:09:00

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ctba :) plus, i'm never on this thing...
the city is at a war, playtime for the young and rich. ignore me if you see me 'cause i just don't give a shit. the city is at war, bless the young and rich, with designer drugs and designer friends.

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2008-01-15 01:43 am UTC (link)
Hi I am new to Scribbld and I came from GJ. All my friends from GJ r scattered about at various places which kinda sucks and I dont like the hassle and confusion of LJ so I went for Scribbld since it was just like GJ just about. I'm just looking to make new friends with similar interests just like I did at GJ. I hope to meet people I can become close to so i hope you dont mind but I added you :) You dont HAVE to add me back but if you did that'd be most excellent :D

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2008-01-15 01:54 am UTC (link)
Oh yeah sure! No problem. I added you back. :D

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