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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-10 08:10:00

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Maru: *inches forward, lost in shock* H-how...how are you...?? *frowns suddenly, /stopping/* Is it really /you/ or... *to Deckard* ...or just his body? *"again"*

Deckard: All of him. Someone was able to recover his Super AI chip from that submarine.

Maru: .......*looks back at Kage, still not sure he believes...but DESPERATELY WANTING to*

Kage: *softly* My Super AI was found by an explorer from another planet. He was able to bring me back, rebuild my body. It's really me. *he...he can't help it, he'll put his hand out to Maru.*

Maru:  K-kagerou! *starts forward...then is /darting/ to his brother, hopping into that hand and just...just /staring/...*

Kage: *brings Maru up to his chest and kind of curls around him with a soft buzz of static.* When I woke up, I was told you were- that you w-were... *huffs, unable to make himself say it.*

Maru: *PRESSES himself across Kage's chest, softly*  I was . . . *soft, sudden snicker, ever the humorist*  Now I'm just fun-sized.  * the humor's also partly a coping mechanism for /him/ because OMG KAGE'S ALIVE!*

Deckard: *soft grin at the sight…can't help a snicker at Maru's comment*

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2014-04-10 03:19 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *looks up to give his brother an amused – and obviously fond (even slightly admiring) – look* I owe my engineers and /him/ everything that I am.

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2014-04-10 03:26 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *gives him a smile, the glow of his green eyes soft*
Zero: *smiles, studying them a moment* It's vey clear how much you two love each other.
Voice: *coming from behind Kage and approaching* A /cave/, Subzero? You had to hole up in a fragging /cave/? *another robot stepa from the darkness, taller than Zero, broad wings blocking the way out. Those white wings quivering in agitaion. His shoulders are a bit hunched as a dark face scowls around at the cave walls.* It's a good thing Thundercracker didn't come planetside. *pauses when he sees Kage and the two microbots in his hands* Who are you?
Kage: *had shifted away from the opening at the voice, and looks just as stunned to see the new robot as the robot is to see him and the two mini Braves.*
Zero: Friends. Starscream, this is Kagerou, Shadowmaru, and Deckard.

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2014-04-10 03:41 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *shifts stance, arms folded, guarded as he gives a curt nod – not sure he likes the tone of this one's voice (or the natural screech but that's another matter)*
Deckard: *also braced just in case, but his nod is much less stiff* Pleased to meet you, Starscream-san.

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2014-04-10 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Stars: A pleasure. *hard to tell if he means it ot not. To Zero* I thought we agreed to not be seen by the locals?
Zero: And we haven't been. I found him and put him back together, and these two are in hiding. *points to those he's speaking about.*
Stars: *eyes them again.* I see. I'd say "welcome", but a cave /isn't/ a welcoming place. *gives Zero a glare.*
Zero: *shrugs* Sorry, Stars, it's what I could find.
Stars: It's /underground/.
Zero: *yes, yes, he knows* Did you find him?
Stars: *wings...droop just a little.* ...No. Either he's been found, was destroyed completely, or is buried in so much ice I'll not be able to reach him. *changing subjects now, he doesn't like talking about his failures.* So...are you three leaving with us, then?

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2014-04-10 06:37 pm UTC (link)
Maru: ……….. *won't say anything in front of the stranger, but he glances at Deckard who gets the question easily enough – "Leaving? What does he mean?"*
Deckard: *glances at Maru, then up at Kage – to Stars* That's not yet been decided.

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2014-04-10 07:00 pm UTC (link)
Stars: Decide quickly, I'll not stay in a cave longer than I have to.
Zero: *teasing* You could always go sit in the trees.
Stars: *snorts* If they'd take my weight, I would. *wings quiver*
Zero: *but to the topic* I have offered for them to come with us, they'lve not had a chance to speak with the rest of thwir companions yet. Two more solar cycles, Stars, then we'll leave.
Stars: *scowls at the cave walls a bit, like he thinks they might sneak in closer to him if he doesn't glare them back.* I may go spend my time back in the arctic for that... *fraggit, he's showing weakness in front of strangers* How many more would be coming if you /did/ join us? And are all of you the same size as the...humans? *hard to say if he was going to use a different word, or if he was searching for the right one before he said it.*

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2014-04-10 07:14 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *liking this robot less and less, finding himself guarded and protective of his team, his demeanor a bit stiff* Let's worry about how many and what size once that's actually been decided, shall we? *nope, not inclined to give any information*

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2014-04-10 07:27 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *shrugs, giving the walls another look* ...Call me if you need me, Zero. *turns and leaves, trying not to walk too fast*
Zero: *once he's gone...* Please forgive Starscream. He can be a bit abrasive at times, especially when he's dealing with claustrophobia. Seekers, those of his design, are made for the skies, they don't like being grounded long, and many deal with claustrophobia to some extent or another. He's a good mech if you'll give him a chance. Anyway, if you even want to consider leaving, I'm sure you have questions you'd want answered before you decide...?

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2014-04-10 08:17 pm UTC (link)
*They /definitely/ have questions. Well, first, Maru wants to know just what the hell they're talking about to begin with. Deckard explains, and then the two will ask All. The. Questions. – where would they be going, what could they expect, what are the dangers, what would be the benefits (aside from the obvious), what would be expected of them in return . . . anything and everything they can think of*

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2014-04-10 08:27 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *he'll answer all their questions, laying out all the dangers and benefits he can think of, what coming with would mean physically (if he rebuilds their bodies he'll be making them to run on energon for instance, like Kage now does), as far as expected...help out where needed. Space travel isn't /easy/, but it's not bad either. He'll describe the two waiting back on the ship (TC and Warp) and that Stars (of course) and Karaf will be there as well. He'll again assure them that Stars isn't a bad guy, he was just irritated and uncomfortable not only finding himself underground, but having to attempt to hide his weakness from strangers he wasn't prepared to face.*

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2014-04-10 08:43 pm UTC (link)
*Does Zero realize he'd be talking about up to /eight/ additional people in this little group of his? Deckard thinks he knows his team well enough. In the end, they'll stick together, whether it's stay here in the hopes of getting to return to normal life, or leaving for parts unknown. He doesn't say it, but glances at Maru suggest that he thinks Maru might be the only exception – that if the rest of the team decides to stay…Maru will still leave to be with his brother.*
*Maru…is NOT making any decision yet, not really even letting himself /think/ about it . . . because it's too hard to think about, to face the possibility of either losing his brother again or having to say goodbye to the rest of his team who have all come to mean just as much to him.*

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