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:: HEATHCLIFF shimpling :: ([info]indigo) wrote,
@ 2009-03-06 21:25:00

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Let's get things started shall we

SO. I don't really listen to gossip, but there's been some juicy tidbits! A lot of it has to do with sex, so if that's not your topic, oops. Also, just repeating what I heard! I didn't make up much any of it!

APPARENTLY, someone is pregnant. My bets are on a Gryffindor. Again.

ALSO, someone in Ravenclaw has been getting visits to their bed from someone who is NOT their boyfriend or girlfriend.

The Head Boy wears girl knickers.

Ravenclaw quidditch is only hanging on by a thread because someone's doing someone's something in the locker room! ooh. Bets on Moran! The short one, not the other one with nice knockers teeth.

SOMETHING HINKY is going on in Hufflepuff, with all that good hair my bets go to the Dobbsssess.

KOBE. You apparently need to shave your pits. Sorry, love, it's the word on the street. Or in the corridors, rather.

ANY one else got some good stuff? I think I should write a book on it.

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2009-03-07 05:28 am UTC (link)
Yes, but you're like, the only person that really knows that we've been engaged that long!

And what am I supposed to do when we finish up school and I'm all fat and all--dealing with being pregnant. There's no way I'll get into the hit wizard program now

I'm not ready for an early start--I don't think I can do this, Phoebe--

I need food. Will you go with me to raid the kitchens?

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