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Melissa Grunnion ([info]ironyinherent) wrote,
@ 2008-01-21 18:48:00

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21 MAY
I haven't really wanted to talk about it. Mummy and daddy are very upset and

I had to convince my parents that I should finish out the last few weeks of term at Hogwarts. They threatened to pull me out after the Headmaster was killed and students going missing. I refused to leave, in the end though. I started my schooling here, and I am going to finish it. I need it for uni, and it's just ridiculous to think of pulling me out with such a short time to go.

They want me to see another psychi I simply HAVE to do something with my hands now, so I think I'm going to go to the music room and practise a bit. It's all I seem to do lately.

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2008-01-23 07:21 pm UTC (link)
We could just hide out in there.

Ok. Works for me. You free now?

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2008-01-23 07:26 pm UTC (link)
That doesn't sound like a half bad idea, actually.

Yes, actually. I'll meet you there.

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