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legendarytits ([info]legendarytits) wrote,
@ 2015-06-17 13:06:00

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The Doctor is Out

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"Hello, you've reached Tsunade. If this is an emergency, try again or call 911. ...That might be your best bet if I haven't picked up after the second try. If you're calling to make an appointment, stop by the clinic or call again later. If you do leave a message make sure you leave your name, your number, the purpose for your visit, and the date and time you wish to come in. I'll call you back and we'll schedule the appointment together. If you just called to go out for drinks... the answer is yes, and why the hell are you still listening to this? Come find me and let's go!"

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2009-07-03 11:56 pm UTC (link)
I am sure that it is not my ass. I did go out with Madara and we did drink a lot which lead to some stupid bet and well... he made that pretty obvious of what I had to do for the day but willingly being pantless in an open car park was certainly not me.

Besides that Doctor... how do you know my ass that well hm?

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2009-07-04 07:51 am UTC (link)
Yeah, I saw that whole slave thing; I was wondering about that. Sorry your luck didn't hold out on that bet. And sorry I thought you were that homeless man. It's just...

Senju, I've seen your ass naked. And I'll admit that it's very nice, and I may look twice when you go by. Don't get a big head, now.

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2009-07-04 08:33 am UTC (link)
Oh really? [Head is swelling... just a little bit. Will just tuck that away for further use.]

[Looks around for the time, flopping head over to the blinking 12:00 on his microwave and then over to the wall clock that actually has the correctly set time.] Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I just noticed what the time was. Did I wake you?

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2009-07-07 07:19 pm UTC (link)
You think I'd lie? Yes, really.

[Glances at the bright blue display on her bedside clock. Only 2:25am?] I was just asleep for about an hour or two. And I'm glad you finally called me... if you hadn't, it would have seemed like you were trying to hide something from me. [Which would have meant a good pummeling of sensitive areas very soon.] Good to know it was all a misunderstanding.

Anyway, you're probably tired too. I won't keep you if you want to go sleep. Or go get a drink, after the day you've had.

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2009-07-07 11:25 pm UTC (link)
[Yes. Slave. Madara. Bleh.... very exhausted. Sleep is good like curling up on the couch now. Oh thats better.]

I owe you a coffee for the wake up. [Tries not to yawn but fails.] Sleep well and good night. [*hangs up*]

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