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legendarytits ([info]legendarytits) wrote,
@ 2015-06-17 13:06:00

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The Doctor is Out

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"Hello, you've reached Tsunade. If this is an emergency, try again or call 911. ...That might be your best bet if I haven't picked up after the second try. If you're calling to make an appointment, stop by the clinic or call again later. If you do leave a message make sure you leave your name, your number, the purpose for your visit, and the date and time you wish to come in. I'll call you back and we'll schedule the appointment together. If you just called to go out for drinks... the answer is yes, and why the hell are you still listening to this? Come find me and let's go!"

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2009-07-31 05:01 am UTC (link)
Too many things. [And suddenly realizes that he doesn't want to talk about it.] Do you think I can come by your office today and get something to help me sleep?

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2009-07-31 05:53 am UTC (link)
You can come by anytime, Hashirama. [Sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose.] If I'm giving you a prescription, though, I need to know what I'm treating first. Did you just call me for drugs? At five thirty in the morning?

...Why'd you really call me?

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2009-07-31 06:53 am UTC (link)
[Ack drugs. Yeah he wouldn't have even used them if he did get them. Just needed an excuse.] Just needed to hear a friendly voice. [Rubs temples and lays down.]

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2009-07-31 07:36 am UTC (link)
[Gets comfortable in her pillows, ready to listen and forgo the three hours she had left to sleep. Always willing to help a friend.] Well. I'm touched you called me, then.

[Decides she'll change the subject to something lighter to take his mind of his 'too many things', if he doesn't want to talk about them.] So. How were the late-night infomercials tonight? Anything good?

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2009-07-31 07:49 am UTC (link)
[The change of conversation is very welcomed, rolling over onto his side flicking through the channels.] Chaz Dean tells me that my hair is not being taken care of properly. Get A Grip makes me wonder if someone can climb down a building using them or up it. That could be a security flaw implemented by infomercials.

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2009-07-31 09:58 am UTC (link)
[Laughs softly] Your hair is nicer than mine is sometimes, don't listen to Chaz Dean. And I think your intruder would have to be pretty light not to fall to the ground... unless they're Spiderman. Infomercials should sell Spidey silk or whatever it's called. It'd be multi-purpose.

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2009-07-31 10:09 am UTC (link)
Something with some long distance range to it. No need to go down stairs and possibly end up dead armed with your baseball bat. Now, introducing Spidey Silk, the new multi-purpose tool in household safety and child discipline.

[Oh god, that was a light laugh. His lips actually turned into a smile for a second.] We should market it and be famous.

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2009-07-31 10:26 am UTC (link)
[That's more like it! She curls up, grinning into the phone.] We should! Child discipline... oh, you're bad! I bet it'd hurt to get slapped with some of that. And it could double as a leash. Have you ever seen kids on leashes? It's the most ridiculous thing. It's just there to give the parents the illusion of control when really the kid is leading them around.

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2009-07-31 10:49 am UTC (link)
You mean those harness things? They are the most ridiculous inventions ever brought out. Parents are always struggling to keep their kids under control while wearing them, and seriously, how much does a child weigh? If it had an electrical current through it then it would be efficient.

[Sighs but still a semi happy one.] They should be lucky to have them. Treat them like they actually wanted them. [Going quiet... thoughts reverting. Must quickly move on.] I swear they are slapping subliminal messages into these. I suddenly want to pay more attention to my skin.

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2009-07-31 11:06 am UTC (link)
An electrical current! Like those no-bark dog collars? [Laughing despite herself] How about just teaching the kids to behave in the first place.

[Adopt the FG kids with me; some of them really need 'parents' too. Almost says something in his silence, but doesn't.]

It must be a subliminal message, because your skin is as nice as your hair. Really, Hashirama, it'd probably make your skin worse to use a bunch of products on it.

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2009-07-31 11:50 am UTC (link)
[Seriously, I would do that with you.]

That makes me sound like a woman. I should be complimenting you on how well you look. [Smooth move...] Speaking of looking radiantly young, your birthday is coming up. Do you have any plans?

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2009-08-01 08:08 am UTC (link)
[I'm already halfway there with some of them, you want to be the daddy to my momma?]

Hah! You're no woman, Hashi, just a very well put-together man. And you flatter me... [Now it's her turn to get ominously quiet.] Another year. Don't remind me.

I'm going out and partying til I pass out. Or until I forget it's my birthday, whichever comes first.

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2009-08-02 12:33 am UTC (link)
[I will. I'm too working my way into them. Lets combine parental forces.]

Turning another year older isn't bad. You are still as beautiful as the day I first met you. [He is smiling to himself now.] If you need anything, you know you can ask me at any time, even if it is to pick you up after you pass out and tuck you into bed. Make coffee in the morning for that hang over.

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2009-08-01 07:43 pm UTC (link)
[I'm sure we'll make a great team. Alright. We'll do it together.]

[She's covered her face with her hand, but is smiling too. Somehow it never seems trite or forced coming from him. Though funny story. Did she ever tell you about the time she blew all her money on a face lift...?] Thank you, Hashirama. You always know what to say. And the coffee always tastes better when you make it. I might take you up on that...

[Laughs softly.] How'd this happen, I was supposed to be comforting you.

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