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legendarytits ([info]legendarytits) wrote,
@ 2015-06-17 13:06:00

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Entry tags:phone

The Doctor is Out

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"Hello, you've reached Tsunade. If this is an emergency, try again or call 911. ...That might be your best bet if I haven't picked up after the second try. If you're calling to make an appointment, stop by the clinic or call again later. If you do leave a message make sure you leave your name, your number, the purpose for your visit, and the date and time you wish to come in. I'll call you back and we'll schedule the appointment together. If you just called to go out for drinks... the answer is yes, and why the hell are you still listening to this? Come find me and let's go!"

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2009-08-19 09:16 pm UTC (link)
That's what I'm calling about. After discussing the details, it's blatantly obvious this was an inside job. I have some questions for you that may help find the offender.

First and foremost, do we have any employees with a record of medication abuse? You do not have to say names if that violates patient confidentiality agreements, however we will find their name sooner or later.

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2009-08-21 09:16 pm UTC (link)
[a moment of silence as she considers]


There might be a couple. Whoever did this, though, was clearly injured. I'm hesitant to believe the single bottle of pills stolen was taken for recreational purposes.

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2009-08-22 07:48 am UTC (link)
You are not one to hesitate to treat employees, which is why this case is such an odd one. Regardless, have you had any frequent visits from any member of the security team?

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2009-08-22 09:21 am UTC (link)
Member of security? I've treated Sui--wait, you don't think security would break into my clinic. Do you?

I mean, it's their job to make sure no one does break in...

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2009-08-22 07:45 pm UTC (link)

That's all I needed. Thank you for your cooperation.


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2009-08-23 08:59 am UTC (link)
What? Wait--

... [looks at phone, irritated and confused.]

Goddamn it.

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