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Leonard van Bëte ([info]ludwig) wrote,
@ 2008-12-15 16:24:00

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That's it. This is getting to be a nuisance.

Whoever the fuck keeps going into MY practice room and locking the door so that I can't see who it is, get the fuck out. That is NOT for your pleasure. That is MY practice room. It has been since the beginning of the year. And I know you're not another piano major because it doesn't sound like a piano major's playing, unless one of you froshies decided to go and piss me off.

I'm asking nicely. Get the fuck out of my practice room, and don't make the same mistake again, asshole.

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2008-12-17 06:57 am UTC (link)
You, sir, are vile. I like it.

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2008-12-17 06:59 am UTC (link)
Mmmhmm. And not sorry either.

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2008-12-17 07:00 am UTC (link)
Ooh. Immature little boy.

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2008-12-17 07:01 am UTC (link)
Yeah, sure, whatever. You'll be thinking of me later.

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2008-12-17 07:04 am UTC (link)
Keep telling yourself that, pookie.

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