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Leonard van Bëte ([info]ludwig) wrote,
@ 2009-01-03 19:36:00

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Every day I thank the ice cream man that the holidays are over. I don't think I could take anymore carolers, stale Christmas cookies, or stupid little ornaments being thrown at my face. I still don't get why there are STILL decorations up. Get with the times, people. It's past New Years Day, so get the fucking lights out.

It's horrible to see that some of you are back. Go back to where you came from; I liked the other practice rooms quiet.

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2009-01-05 06:22 pm UTC (link)
Excuse me. Underdeveloped?

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2009-01-05 08:59 pm UTC (link)
You heard me.

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2009-01-06 03:57 am UTC (link)
Who are you to call my ear underdeveloped? What do you know?

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2009-01-06 04:00 am UTC (link)
More than you.

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2009-01-11 02:55 am UTC (link)
Uh, no. I think you're mistaken, sir.

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