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ೋ 由紀奈 ([info]moonrise) wrote,
@ 2008-07-02 14:35:00

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1. Your Middle Name:
2. Age:
3. Single or Taken:
4. Favorite Movie:
5. Favorite Song or Album:
6. Favorite Band/Artist:
7. Dirty or Clean:
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:
9. Do we know each other outside of Scribbld?
10. What's your philosophy on life?
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty?
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
13. What is your favorite memory of us?
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the "world peace, etc." malarkey) - what are they:
17. Can we get together and make a cake?
18. Which country is your spiritual home?
19. What is your big weakness?
20. Do you think I'm a good person?
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school:
22. Describe your accent:
23. If you could change anything about me, would you?
24. What do you wear to sleep?
25. Trousers or skirts?
26. Cigarettes or alcohol?
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you?

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Part One
2008-07-02 08:01 pm UTC (link)
1. Your Middle Name: Marie. I really loathe it though because it was "tradition" for the first-born females in my family to have it. Since my mother signed away her rights to me, I plan on changing it when I changed my first name as well.
2. Age: 22 years old. I feel old when compared to a lot of people on these sites... but it's the year that marks I've been online for more than half my life.
3. Single or Taken: Taken. I've been in love with my boyfriend Gene of two years... maybe three years, I can't quite remember when we made it official. I've been out here physically with him for over a year.
4. Favorite Movie: I have two. The Nightmare Before Christmas has more of a romantic purpose for me, as it is one of the many things I share with Gene. Every year, we go out to watch it together. The other is Reservoir Dogs.
5. Favorite Song or Album: Currently it is "Through the Fire & Flames" by Dragonforce. Of all time, it's "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.
6. Favorite Band/Artist: Currently it's Coheed & Cambria. Of all time, hm. That's a hard one really. I may have to say either Rise Against or the Dropkick Murphys.
7. Dirty or Clean: Clean! My home has to be clean. My purse has to be clean. My body has to be clean. I took four showers yesterday after doing some house work (mostly cause I live in the desert and it's hot).
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: I have my ears pierced. I want to get my upper ear pierced just because it sticks out like elven ears (Born that way >< ), but every time we try it, they get infected. It's just a very difficult spot to pierce and moreso due to the shape of my ears.
9. Do we know each other outside of Scribbld?: I don't think so. Unless we met on another site like InsaneJournal or LiveJournal.. ^^
10. What's your philosophy on life?: "There was a caveman did some amazing thing,
but nobody here gives a fuck.
And in a thousand years they'll feel the same,
towards all the things you've done.", from the song "Flowers are Pretty" by The Vandals.
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty?: Depends on the situation. I try my best to keep it half-full.
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?: Probably.
13. What is your favorite memory of us?: Not applicable since we just met ^^;
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?: Caffiene.
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am ambidextrous in a hardcore sense. If my right hand hurts from writing, I'll switch to my left and continue on. I think the funnest thing to impress people with is playing shooters in arcades and using both of my hands excellently. Like a real life Lara Croft :p
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the "world peace, etc." malarkey) - what are they: Money - because this world needs a ton of it and no matter what I do, I can't make enough. Better teeth - my teeth were screwed over by cheap dentists in foster care and thus, I have really bad teeth. I hate it. The third would be the ability to close off my emotions. Life would be easier if I could just flip my feelings off every once in a while.
17. Can we get together and make a cake?: As long as there are instructions on the box, anything is possible.
18. Which country is your spiritual home?: I don't want to say the United States, but it is all I've ever known.
19. What is your big weakness?: Empathy.

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Part Two
2008-07-02 08:01 pm UTC (link)
20. Do you think I'm a good person?: From what I have read so far, yes :D
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school: English.
22. Describe your accent: People say I don't have an accent actually. Considering I have lived in places like Oklahoma, New York, and Florida, I've yet to pick up anything.
23. If you could change anything about me, would you?: Don't know you well enough to answer that.
24. What do you wear to sleep?: Over-sized lounge pants and a baggy shirt usually. I don't like feeling constricted, but it gets cold due to the AC.
25. Trousers or skirts?: Skirts in a formal setting.
26. Cigarettes or alcohol?: Alcohol. At least there's different variations to make it taste decently. You can't make smoke taste good or smell good.
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?: I am willing to say whatever you wanted, since you're the one passing away. I don't know if I would be able to stop myself from bawling the entire time though..
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you?: Not too sure. I think I've done this one several times in the past o.O Since it takes a fair amount of time to fill them out, they get neglected often.

Sorry, I broke the comment limit. Been a while since I've done that.

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