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♥; m&m ([info]morag) wrote,
@ 2008-01-20 02:21:00

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dreizehn; saturday, october 11th, 1997
You ki
Did you

How true is it that you kissed Susan Bones?

Please, please tell me you haven't got a chance to talk to Michael, yet.

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2008-01-20 10:09 am UTC (link)
I'm sorry, too. I guess. I should know b We're not

I love you, Mikey. Even if you're snogging the likes of Bones, now. I don't care why you did it, either. I just really hope you rinsed your mouth several times after it happened.

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2008-01-20 10:17 am UTC (link)
You don't have to be sorry.

You know I love you too, even if you don't hear me say it. But we can't You don't really still li It wou Trust me when I tell you it won't happen again. There's someone she fancies, and I suppose we can just try to be happy for them. Even if it's not something we want to think about, really. I took a very, very long shower.

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2008-01-20 10:28 am UTC (link)
That's not enough Oh, gross, Michael. The thought of Susan Bones reproducing nauseates me.

Are we okay, now? I'm rather tired of sulking.

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2008-01-20 10:32 am UTC (link)
She'd probably try to reproduce with herself, actually. I wouldn't be surprised.

Do you need a hug? Anything that would help with the sulking.

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2008-01-20 10:38 am UTC (link)
Michael! Are you trying to kill me? That's disgusting. Quite true, but very disgusting.

I think sleeping it off will do the trick. But thank you, for offering.

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2008-01-20 10:41 am UTC (link)
I had to say it. You know you were thinking about it! As was everyone else, I reckon.

You can come sleep up here, if you want. It's quite warm and cozy.

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2008-01-20 10:47 am UTC (link)
Ew, no. I try to refrain myself from thinking about disturbing things before bedtime.

Very tempting, but I don't think I want to get myself another detention just yet. Some other time, maybe.

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2008-01-20 10:54 am UTC (link)
I hope you don't get nightmares. I'd feel guilty.

Oh yeah, I suppose that wouldn't be a good idea. But you know where I am. And that I'm not a blanket hog. Bu

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2008-01-20 10:58 am UTC (link)
Oh, I'll live. I hope.

You're awfully comfy to cuddle with, too. And pure evil, Michael Corner.

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2008-01-20 11:07 am UTC (link)
I hope, too. My world would be empty otherwise.

That must be because I smell so damn good.

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2008-01-20 11:14 am UTC (link)
Damn good, Indeed. And don't forget warm, too.

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2008-01-20 11:20 am UTC (link)
All of these adjectives make me just want to cuddle with myself.

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2008-01-20 11:24 am UTC (link)
Well, you're just that special.

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2008-01-20 11:26 am UTC (link)
It doesn't hurt to hear that again. You're quite special, too, even though I'm being forced to cuddle alone.

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Re: Morag/Michael
2008-01-20 11:34 am UTC (link)
Forced, hah! I think I'll add dramatic to that long list of adjectives.

Find me a way to get out of her without being seen and I'll be there in a heartbeat. If you think I'm it's worth the trouble, of course.

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2008-01-20 11:38 am UTC (link)
You know that I idolize that Shakespeare bloke. I have to be dramatic.

We could set up some sort of distraction, perhaps. Something very elaborate.

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2008-01-20 11:45 am UTC (link)
Shakes Oh, right. That muggle writer.

Okay, so who do we hex first?

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2008-01-20 11:47 am UTC (link)
He wrote dramatic things. Death and such. Nevermind

Anyone who has a big mouth.

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2008-01-20 11:53 am UTC (link)
I know. I read the one about star-crossed lovers or whatever they were. Eh.

I'll start with Lisa, then. And then Mandy. Su's sleeping and I reckon Padma is doing rounds, so that should be easy.

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2008-01-20 12:00 pm UTC (link)
Yes, something like that. My flair for drama would make them proud.

I'll get Entwhistle. Terry's snoring, Anthony's talking in his sleep, and I have no idea what Cornfoot is doing.

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2008-01-20 12:03 pm UTC (link)
Indeed. You should write your own book and show them how it's done.

That's settled, then. See you in 10?

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2008-01-20 12:07 pm UTC (link)
You'd get the first copy. With my striking autograph, of course.

10, it is.

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