My Tweets
  • 07:56 has already been ridiculously busy this morning. #
  • 08:42 finally at work! :D Sooo coooold out there! #
  • 09:02 WordPress 2.7 is out, will have to update the blog later tonight...or maybe tomorrow. #
  • 09:04 New blog post: Band of the Moment - Blessthefall tinyurl.com/6pf85k #
  • 10:13 @paigefiller Nice nice, I am hoping to get that done this afternoon, but it'll likely be tomorrow, I am really excited about the new stuff. #
  • 10:24 is eating teddy grahams, yummmy! #
  • 10:42 new server setup complete, just data migration now... #
  • 11:48 About 30 minutes left on the data transfer, comon comon!! #
  • 12:07 @kensingt0n - nice, I looooove thai!! #
  • 12:11 yay, server done, and working fine :D Time for lunch with Brian and then we're going home to relax for the afternoon! <3 #
  • 14:52 had an awesome lunch, heading home now. #
  • 16:33 this guy on the bus today had bigger boobies then me hahaha! #
  • 18:00 going to dinner at brian's house! #
  • 22:24 had an excellent dinner at the boyfriends house...just reading a few emails, and getting to bed. #
  • 23:02 found a new band to be in love with, Beauti is AMAZING <3333 #
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Gangsta Yo!
 Been really busy lately. But definitely been having a lot of fun! Thursday I had a consulting appoint which lasted 4-5 hours as I thought it would. Just had to setup a new server and migrate the data from the old server to the new one. Really simple stuff, but I love doing it. Then Brian and I went out to lunch at this cute little place in town. Had some chicken, it was amazing. Then we pretty much just hung out for the afternoon. We played some more Mario Kart...and I got my butt whipped. I did beat him once or twice though haha.

Then we went to dinner at his parents house. They love me, I love them....although I've pretty much known them forever, but I wasn't dating their son haha. Either way, they're awesome. They seem to be really happy about us and called us a cute couple haha. <3 They made chicken parm for dinner and it was sooooo good, much better then anything I could cook lol. We had some nice pie for dessert too, it was chocolate something, wicked yum.

Then Brian and I watched a movie there and then came back to my house...I ended up playing a little bit of computer, Brian went and played some more of the Biohazard 5 demo, he's more addicted to it then me...which I find to be a bit funny. Then we went to bed around 12:30am or so.

Today is miserable outside, tons of snow, but its also like raining/sleeting. So it's kind of yucky. Definitely a stay inside and snuggle up and watch movies kind of day. I chatted a bit with [info]ltdan  and [info]raf  this morning although their both at lunch this morning. Brian had to work today, so he's off doing that.

I got a bit of work done this morning. [info]jimmy  and I upgraded on the blogs on the network to the new and wonderful WordPress 2.7 software. I really like it. The new admin interface is wonderfully redone. I also started a wiki for all the network operations on the network, so I think LtDan and I will really be taking advantage of it. Finally a central place to document all of our changes and things.

I think I might make some lunch now, getting a bit hungry :) Tonight I've got a party at a friends house, I think we shall go so long as the roads aren't complete ass. I might end up spending the night there, depends on if I drink or not, I will likely not though. Just going to go, meet up with some friends, since everyone is back from college for the most of it for winter break. It'll be good times.

Have a lovely Friday everyone!! xoxo

66 comment
Anberlin - Feel Good Drag
 "I'm here for you" she said
and we can stay for awhile,
my boyfriend's gone,
we can just pretend.
Lips that need no introduction
Now who's the greater sin,
Your drab eyes seem to invite
(tell me darling) Where do we begin.

Was this over before
Before it ever began
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devils got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devils in your hands

Everyone in this town
is seeing somebody else
Everybody's tired of someone
our eyes wander for help
Prayers that need no answer now
I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake
I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin

Was this over before
Before it ever began
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devils got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devils in your hands

Failure is your disease
You want my outline drawn
You are my greatest failure
Discourse your saving song

Was this over before
Before it ever began
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devils got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devils in your hands

Was this over before
Before it ever began
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devils got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devils in your hands

About Me
My name is Morgan Westfield. I am 22 years old and I'm currently taken by a wonderful boy named Brian! I love equestrian activities, airsoft milsim, video games, hardcore music, technology, good friends, my puppy dog, Apple, and Japanese food. I'm one of the site administrators on Scribbld but I hide mainly behind the servers. I sometimes enjoy meeting new people although I tend to stick with the ones I've got. Don't be shy though, please introduce yourself!
Back August 2020
Favorite Bands
This Romantic Tragedy, The Classic Crime, Underoath, Armor for Sleep, Thursday, Saosin, Secret and Whisper, Darkest Hour, Alexisonfire, Architects, Hopesfall, Taking Back Sunday, AFI, Dillinger Escape Plan, Matchbook Romance, Brand New, Attack Attack!, Blaqk Audio, Rise Against, Norma Jean, Kid Dynamite, Scarlet, Vanna, Name Taken, Boys Night Out, Senses Fail, Dance Gavin Dance, Sky Eats Airplane, Beauti, Circa Survive, Number One Gun, Misery Signals, Black Dhalia Murder.
Azumanga Diaoh, Boys Be..., Bokura Ga Ita, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, FLCL, .hack//sign, Chobits, Vexille, Appleseed, Colorful, Death Note.
Video Games
Final Fantasy III/VII/IX/X, Call of Duty 4, LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 1/2, Devil May Cry 1/3, Xenosaga, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 2, Half Life 2, Guitar Hero 2, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Cooking Mamma, Mario Kart, Star Fox 64, Resident Evil 1/2, Pokemon Red, Spore Creature Creator, Jump n' Bump, GoldenEye 007.