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Not here. ([info]ocean) wrote,
@ 2008-01-13 00:20:00

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anonymous post. / [info]equations [info]harsh [info]sinful
Tell me something, anonymously. It can be anything, a promotion, a secret, a love note, a hate note, anything, just let me know something. :-)

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2008-05-17 07:57 pm UTC (link)
so their words mean nothing to you but you're too scared to post pics cause they'll say stuff.


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2008-05-17 09:15 pm UTC (link)
No, I'm just choosing not to get their shitty comments. Okay tho?

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2008-05-18 08:43 pm UTC (link)
um but if it meant nothing to you like you've said a thousand times then you would just ignore it and not give a fuck?

honestly, maybe you'd deserve some sympathy or something if you had come out and told people about this on your own. but you didnt and were probably never going to. you only admitted everything because you'd already been caught. so I don't get how the fuck people are "proud" of you. YOU didn't do shit.

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2008-05-18 10:50 pm UTC (link)
because, i could have just left and deleted my account, vanish. but i didn't.

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2008-05-19 12:32 am UTC (link)
right because that wouldn't have made it obvious that the flames were true? give it up. you dont deserve any respect for this shit.

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