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Not here. ([info]ocean) wrote,
@ 2008-01-13 00:20:00

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anonymous post. / [info]equations [info]harsh [info]sinful
Tell me something, anonymously. It can be anything, a promotion, a secret, a love note, a hate note, anything, just let me know something. :-)

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2008-05-18 06:51 am UTC (link)
You are such a cunt. I fucking stood up for you when people were calling you fake not only this time but when people were talking shit about how you posted those Valentine's day pictures and that you really weren't "just switching" hearts with your friends. I never believed for a second that you were faking until you made those posts. I always thought it was too bogus and people were just full of shit. The ONLY reason you opened up was because your shady ass got snagged. I'm so disgusted with you. How fucking dare you betray people like this. I hope someone tells Carly you were faking her so she'll know what a creep you are.

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