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Lettie ([info]osteological) wrote,
@ 2008-08-31 13:17:00

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Entry tags:do the good crack to have real fun, jacked like a flap, meme

Jacked from Emma!
Choose any of my characters, past or present, and pair them up with one of yours (or anyone else's for that matter!). I'll tell you how they would have gotten together, especially if they never have/never will. For already existing couples, I'll think up of another awesome way they got together.

Sry too lazy to do other peoples' shit. XD

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2008-08-31 08:28 pm UTC (link)

IDK WHY >__>

Uhm! James and Marissa!

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Grayson & Fiona
2008-08-31 08:44 pm UTC (link)
It was only logical that after Ophelia had quite literally run from their wedding that Grayson was frustrated with women. The fact that Fiona had even dared to send him an owl asking him if he wanted to talk ... well, Merlin knew it did nothing but infuriate him. Still, he'd planned on going to her flat in order to reject her to her face (sure, she wasn't Ophelia, but anyone that he could supplant his anger onto in a destructive way was welcome at the moment). That was the reason he'd apparated to just outside the building where her flat was housed in that muggle city block.

He straightened the collar of his robes and took the steps to Fiona's flat, knocking very firmly and then finding himself growing increasingly irritated when the door took several moments to be opened. Who wouldn't have triple locks living in a neighbourhood like this?

The fact was that the moment Fiona opened the door looking all ... sympathetic, Grayson's anger was replaced by something else entirely.

"Hi, Gray--" Fiona was cut off by Grayson surging forward to curve a strong hand at the base of her neck, pulling her close in order to kiss her harshly. He was sure that she was resisting for at least a few moments, but his grip was insistent and they always had been a good match when it came to a forceful snog.

She could regret it later, because he sure as hell wasn't about to stop now.

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