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Jason "Tech" Landon ([info]thisismyweapon) wrote,
@ 2011-09-07 21:52:00

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Home in Louisiana once agan
After their trip to the prison, Jason was happy that he and Sammy were pulling up to Gran's place to spend some time. He loved his old home, but damn if he didn't love it more because Sammy was with him. Gran met them out on the back porch and smiled, looking spry for a woman who'd had a heart a attack just a year ago.

"Hi, Gran! I brought your favorite secret agent to see you again." Jason grins, going to get their bags.

"I see that, Jason. Be a dear and handle the luggage while I work on getting this poor girl fed. Sammy, you look like skin and bones." Gran frets.

Jason tries not to laugh, giving Sammy an "I-told-you-so" look.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-23 12:01 am UTC (link)
"I will," she promised. "One way or another." She did her best to make him comfortable before leaving him to rest.

Outside the cell door she pointedly glared at her escort. "I'm not taking another step until a doctor is here. He's in shock and he has a concussion."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-23 02:31 am UTC (link)
"I'll get him, but you don't want to piss of Delgado. He's...difficult to work with most of the time." she says, looking away from Sammy.

"I'll make sure your...agent is properly taken care of." she says.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-23 02:39 am UTC (link)
"What you want to do is treat Jason Landon as if your life depends on his well being," Sammy said curtly, "because I'll be very difficult to deal if he's not treated well. Delgado needs to watch himself around me. He can't think faster than I can move."

The hard shell came so naturally when she needed it, but she disliked seeing anybody cowed. The woman's demeanor bothered her. Possibly because Mikel knew it would and arranged this entire encounter.

Still... "I'll be back to get my agent, and this place is going to fall. That'll be the time to get out."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-23 02:42 am UTC (link)
"I understand." she says, and turns to go and get the doctor.

The guards look at Samantha and then go back to their posts, saying nothing else.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-23 03:28 am UTC (link)
Sammy returned their look. She had to bleed off the anger if she was going to operate. It was all Mikel's fault. He was breathing free air and it made her so mad she could hardly stop herself from shooting something. She needed cold right now.

A glance back through the cell door took the cold option away from her. She was burning mad and raring to share it with somebody.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-26 02:34 am UTC (link)
Delgado arrives with the doctor and the young woman, staring Sammy down.

"You're prettier when you smile, you know." he smirks.

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